Information and Knowledge Management in Health I
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit
Acquaint health professionals with new concepts, processes, techniques, and tools of information and knowledge management (GICS) applied to health;
Enable a quick and timely access to knowledge in the field;
Provide references and the necessary technical skills to analyze, evaluate and use GICS applications in Portugal and in Europe, developing the know-how;
Promote the expertise to help improve the GICS in participants’ organizational.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luis Ângelo Saboga Nunes
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 30
Teaching language
Available soon
Whittaker, M., et al. (2015). "Preparing for the data revolution: Identifying minimum health information competencies among the health workforce." Human resources for health 13 (1)
Uma nova era para a proteção dos dados na UE 2018 - General Data Protection
Regulation – GDPR,
Butler-Henderson K 2017, Health information management 2025. What is required to create a sustainable profession in the face of digital transformation?
University of Tasmania: Launceston, Australia
Eastin, M. S. (2001), Credibility Assessments of Online Health Information: The Effects of Source Expertise and Knowledge of Content. Journal of Computer-
Mediated Communication, 6: 0. doi: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2001.tb00126.x
Saboga-Nunes, L.– Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention in portuguese: intentions to make behavioural changes and behavioural changes. Lisboa : Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. UNL, 2012. Tese elaborada no âmbito do Curso de Doutoramento, ministrado pela ENSP. UNL.
Teaching method
Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)
Active and participatory blended learning environment - Reading of fundamental texts is required and discussion of topics or exercises occurs regularly.
Sessions with presentation by a teacher, applied principles.
Sessions more practical with problem solving tasks, presentation of results and discussion of implications for health systems management. The seminars consist of group work with the presence of a teacher, which develops in-depth discussion of the topics in the syllabus.
Assessment of commitment, work and participation (20%), made through observation of student participation and the presentation and discussion of topics and exercises in sessions and 40% in group activities.
Individual exam (40%) with multiple choice questions, short and development questions, dealing with the topics taught.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
1 Management of information and knowledge in health care settings: concepts and techniques;
2 cyber space, internet and health – from WEB pages to portals of health, from consumers to context information managers: WEB 1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
3 Influence through knowledge, Observatories, knowledge communities; "Evidence" and Decision; health literacy, the learner / competent / manager and information management citizen builder;
4 New solutions - "contact centers", "data mining", "CRM", www basic tools 5 Sources of information and strategies for health information; social networks and action;
5 Internet and health governance.
Verticality of decision making processes and democratization of power in health: cyber-space information management paradigm shift and the new challenges affecting health professions related to disease management and health promotion.
Clinical management instruments and citizens support in the web.
Web technologies for information and knowledge management (e.g. favorites, www pages, portals, forums, chats, web castpods, social networks).
Cyberspace and quality assessment - future challenges for health promotion in the virtual world.
e-health, health communication and meta-information.
Programs where the course is taught:
- Hospital Administration
- Health Economics
- Epidemiology
- Dynamics of Health and Welfare
- Health Manegment
- Occupational Medicine
- Medicina do Trabalho
- Policy Management and Health Administration
- Continuing education program
- Health Promotion
- Health Promotion
- Environmental and Occupacional Health
- Saúde, Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho
- Public Health
- Global Public Health