Regional Anatomy I - Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis, Perineum


The Regional or Topographical Anatomy is an additional area of Morphological Sciences complimentary to General Human Anatomy and Descriptive Anatomy General or Systemic. While these provide the students with the fundamental building blocks for knowledge of language and anatomical terminology, as well as descriptive aspects of the various organs and systems, Regional Anatomy addresses the structure of the human body in a topographical perspective. The human body is now divided into anatomical regions that are studied by defining its limits, its different plans, relations between different structures, feeling the different textures of tissues and organs and becoming aware of the possibility of change from the "normal" that every individual and every structure can present.

The teaching of Anatomy, as we see it, will be to promote a sound knowledge of Normal Anatomy, essential in preparing the student for future learning in other curricular units of the MSc in Medicine. Only an extensive and solid background in Normal Human Anatomy, which includes the regional knowledge of anatomy, can allow students to understand issues such as Anatomy of Development, Functional Anatomy, Imaging anatomy, Ultrasound Anatomy, Endoscopic Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy (from both the medical and surgical areas).

This optional Course Unit is also the response to a challenge posed by students
during the first semester of the first year: "looking for more"! The theoretical and practical knowledge of Normal Anatomy opened the door and will allow the study of Regional or Topographical Anatomy. The challenge of learning the Anatomy, essential to the formation of any physician, is also to accept this invitation to "learn to be more."

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Diogo Pais


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





* Anatomia Geral e Dissecção Humana – J.A. Esperança Pina et al. Lidel, Edições Técnicas.

* Grant’s Dissector - Patrick W. Tank. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

* Anatomia Humana dos Órgãos - J.A. Esperança Pina - Lidel, Edições Técnicas.

* Anatomia Humana do Coração e Vasos - J.A. Esperança Pina - Lidel, Edições Técnicas.

* Anatomia Humana da Locomoção - J.A. Esperança Pina - Lidel, Edições Técnicas.

* Anatomia Humana da Relação - J.A. Esperança Pina - Lidel, Edições Técnicas.

* Tratado de Anatomia Topográfica - L. Testut & O. Jacob. (nas suas edições em língua francesa ou espanhola).

* Gray’s Anatomy for Students (2nd edition) – Richard L. Drake et al. Churchill Livingstone (Edições em língua inglesa ou portuguesa do Brasil).

* Anatomy in Surgery – P. Thorek, C.T. Linden and N. Swan – Springer.

* Anatomia Humana - L. Testut (A. Latarjet) (nas suas edições em língua francesa ou espanhola).

* Anatomie de I' Abdomen - C. Couinaud - G. Doin & Cie.

* Atlas de Anatomia Humana - F. Netter (nas suas edições em língua inglesa, espanhola ou portuguesa).

* Anatomia Humana (Descriptiva, Topográfica e Funcional) - H. Rouvière (A. Delmas) (nas suas edições em língua francesa ou espanhola).

* Sobotta- Atlas de Anatomia Humana - F. Paulsen - Elsevier /GEN (nas suas edições em língua portuguesa, inglesa, alemã ou espanhola).

Teaching method

To achieve the learning objectives of the Course Unit of Regional Anatomy I, the students will have to attend the lectures and practical sessions that will be complementary and will resort to different teaching techniques.

1) Theoretical Component:

The course consists of theoretical lectures (three times expected), given the universe of course, with lessons of 90 minutes duration, in which the development of issues is preceded by the presentation of the summary of the lesson, and followed by a period for clarifying doubts in class.

The lecture should have as auxiliaries of exposure: an updated iconography illustrated with appropriate media resources, leaving to the discretion of the teacher whether or not to transfer the teaching material to students.

2) Practical Component:


The Practical Component is integrated in the first two teaching periods of the Theoretical Course, consisting essentially of Teaching and Learning of Regional


Anatomy through the Teaching and Practice of Human Dissection.

Evaluation method



1 – Componente Oral

2- Componente Escrita



(1ª ÉPOCA)





(2ª ÉPOCA)







Subject matter

The syllabus of the Course Unit of Regional Anatomy I is: Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum are presented here in general terms. The detailed summaries, including the regional subdivisions, will be presented later.

The dates and hours of classes will be defined according to overall planning of the first year of the MSc in Nova Medical School and to logistic criteria, namely the number of students enrolled in the Curricular Unit, the availability of teachers and the management of rooms.


Programs where the course is taught: