Introduction to Clinical Practice


By the end of this Curricular Unit the students will be able to:


Communicate both with patients and their families, as well as other professionals involved in patient care;

Identify components of a medical history;

How to perform a proper physical examination and a mental condition examination;

Interpret properly the results obtained from the history and physical examination;

Establish referral connections between pathophysiology and symptoms and signs;

Identify principles of clinical decision making.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Aníbal Ferreira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Teaching method

 Lectures: organs and systems; professional skills.

Clinical cases classes: Major syndrome; symptoms and signs recognition and interpretation.

Lectures-practical classes: lectures topics, focused on symptoms and signs recognition and perform anamnesis of organs and systems.

Nonclinical practical sessions with medical and surgical "training models": professional gestures practice.

Clinical practical classes by Supervised Hospital Training: contact with patients on inpatient situation (ratio of 1 professor / 2 students)

Evaluation method


·         Final evaluation includes a theoretical evaluation and a practical evaluation:

o   30% Practical Evaluation:

§   Attendance lectures-practical classes: 10%

§  Attendance training models / simulation: 10%

§  Hospital training: 10% distributed in accordance with the following parameters:

Hospital Training

0 to 2 points

Interest in hospital activity

0 a 0,4

Patient interview

0 a 0,4

Patient objective examination

0 a 0,4

Theoretical knowledge and background

0 a 0,3

Team work

0 a 0,2

Assiduity / pontuality

0 a 0,3


o   70% Theoretical Evaluation - written examination of single choice.


v  For students legally exempt from attending a minimum number of classes:

30% Practical exam, with the following contents:

§  Simulation: 10%

§  Hospital training: 10%

§   Lectures and clinical cases classes: 5%

§   Lectures-practical classes: 5%

70% Theoretical Evaluation - written examination of single choice.

Subject matter

Clinical Interview; Symptoms and Cardinals Signs; Nutrition; Introduction to Infection Control and Antimicrobial Resistance; Cardiovascular System - heart and large vessels; Cardiovascular System - peripheral vascular system; Nephrology; Respiratory System; Nervous System; Psychiatric Semiology; Musculoskeletic System; Gastrointestinal - "medical" semiology; Gastrointestinal - "surgical" semiology; Female Genital System and Breast; Urinary and Genital Male System; Dermatology; Endocrine System; ORL Semiology; Ophthalmologic Semiology; Systematization of Physical Examination; Clinical communication; Activity of daily living in a medical history; Patient Approach in Emergency Room; Training models - Medical and Surgical; Hospital Training - practice in hospital Cardiology  and Nephrology field.


Programs where the course is taught: