Ethics and Biomedicine
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Maria Alexandra Ribeiro
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bioética, L. Archer, J. Biscaia e W. Osswald, Lisboa, Verbo, 1996, 406p.
Novos Desafios à Bioética, L. Archer, J. Biscaia, W. Osswald, M. Renaud (coord.), Porto, Porto Editora, 2001.
Bioética simples, W. Osswald e M. C. Patrão Neves, Lisboa, Verbo, 2007.
Bioética e Vulnerabilidade, Ana Sofia Carvalho (coord.), Almedina, 2008.
Investigação Biomédica. Reflexões Éticas, Paula Martinho da Silva (coord), CNECV, Gradiva, 2008.
Ética em Cuidados de Saúde, D. Serrão e R. Nunes (Coord), Porto editora, 1998.
Direitos do Homem e Biomedicina, Instituto de Bioética, UCP, Universidade Católica Editora, Lisboa, 2003, 224p. (Convenção de Oviedo do Conselho da Europa, 1997; comentada)
Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida (CNECV)
Teaching method
Teaching methodologies: Lectures, films and sessions of guidance and discussion by the teacher on specific cases. Discussion of papers & small films.
Evaluation method
Evaluation: Monograph (max 8 pages, spacing 1 1/2, Times New Roman, pitch 12); Assiduity and Participation: The final rating is normalized to a 0-20 scale.
Failure to comply with minimum attendance (less than 5 classes) determines the failure to curricular unit.
Subject matter
Origin, Nature and Scope of Bioethics; Theories and Principles of bioethics; Models in Bioethics;
Bioethics and Religion; Bioethics in the developing countries case studies.
Medical bioethics case studies: beginning and end of life; organ transplantation; Gestation of substitution; medically assisted procreation; vaccination; patient-physician relationship; others
Neurociences - Major challenges; Treatment vs Enhancement;
Recent applications in medicine.
Research in Biomedicine
(Biotechnology & Nanotechnology; Stem cells, cloning and experimentation on embryos; Genetics and Cytogenetics; Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine; Banks of cells or Products of Human Origin; Synthetic Biology)
Research with animals; Clinical Research and Clinical Trials
(Ethical principles; Ethical & Legal framework; conflict of interest; the use of placebo; trials in children and elderly)