Obstetrics and Gynecology (clinical practice)


It is expected that a broad range of obstetric/gynecological procedures and observations will be conducted in order to acquire increasing autonomy. Tasks carried out and skills acquired should be mentioned in the final training report which will be certified by the student’s supervisor.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof.ª Doutora Teresa Ventura


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Beckmann C et al. (2014) Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7th Edition, Lippincot Williams & Wilkins (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). ISBN 978-1-4511-4431-4
De Cherney et Nathan (2012). Current Obstetric & Gynecologic Diagnosis & Treatment, 11st Edition, The Mc Graw-Hill Companies Inc, ISBN 978-0-07-174267-2
Monga A, Dobbs S (2011).  Gynaecology by Ten Teachers, 19th Edition, Hodder et Stoughton Ltd, ISBN: 978-0-340-983-546
Baker P, Kenny L (2011). Obstetrics by Ten Teachers, 19 th Edition, Hodder et Stoughton Ltd, ISBN: 13: 978-0-340-98353-9
Graça LM et al. (2017) Medicina Materno-Fetal. 5ª ed. Lidel- Edições Técnicas Lda. ISBN 978-989-752-307-6
SPEDM, SPD, SPOMMF, SPP (2016). Relatório de Consenso sobre a Diabetes e Gravidez http://www.spd.pt/images/consenso_dg_atualizacao2016.pdf
SPDC (2011). Consensos sobre contracepção

Sites recomendados:
Direcção Geral de SaúdE  www.dgs.pt
Sociedade portuguesa de contracepção  www.spdc.pt
Organização Mundial de Saúde  www.who.int/

Teaching method

In this CU teaching and clinical activities take place simultaneously and the ratio tutor: student is 1:1

Tutored teaching with a teacher/student ratio of 1:1, where students follow tutors/supervisors in assistance and scientific activities in a hospital environment (appointments, infirmary, operating unit, diagnosis techniques). Students attend the emergency unit of gynecology-obstetrics 12h/week, with the tutor, and participate in one workshop per period of training (4 weeks), giving a 10min talk on their work. Exact workshop dates should be defined at the beginning of training. Students must also write a final activity report, to be discussed with the tutor. Training activities should mingle with the assistance and research activities taking place at the hospital, including weekly meetings. The student should be integrated according to dominant guidelines in the department and should become aware of the administrative procedures common in clinical practice. Because of the professionalizing side of this curricular unit, the student should also discuss clinical histories, practice techniques and procedures, have contact with patient relatives and with other professionals, insofar as multidisciplinary approaches are advised, always keeping a record of such skills and acquisitions in the logbook.

Evaluation method

Classificação final= Urgência 0,3 + Obstetrícia 0,3 + Ginecologia 0,3 + Relatório 0,1

Subject matter

The professional training in gynecology/obstetrics lasts four weeks and aims at a high level of individual responsibility and team integration of the future professional. The general goal is the acquisition of key skills required for good medical practice in gynecology and obstetrics. Students are to be involved in hospital practices under guidance always following closely the supervisor activity observing and/or conducting procedures which are of importance for their professional practice. The bulk of knowledge skills and attitudes assimilated during previous years in medical school mainly in the 4th year course of Gynecology and Obstetrics are to be consolidated throughout this training and to be framed in the broader area of Woman’s Medicine.


Programs where the course is taught: