Medicine (Clinical pratice)


Estágio de Medicina Interna is a Practical Internship. The student is encouraged to apply in a day to day clinical practice all the general knowledge, skills and professional expertise acquired throughout the previous five years of the Medical Course. The 8-week rotation in clinical internal medicine is a hands-on period, where students, while integrated in a clinical team, exert clinical practice with progressive autonomy. This training provides final term students with the ability to perform the tasks required by a junior internal medicine doctor

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Fernando Nolasco


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Harrison´s Textbook of Medicine

Teaching method

Teaching is based on hands-on work during 8 weeks, on the ward, the out patients clinics, and emergency. Each patient will be discussed with the tutor, and the clinical team. Presentations and discussions will exist daily. A few seminars and small group lectures will exist, focusing on issues of importance. Assessment and classification will be mandatory, and they will result from the daily practice, case presentation, and final report produced
The 8-week rotation in clinical internal medicine enables students to develop clinical practice with progressive autonomy in hospital environment. It provides final term students with the ability to perform the tasks required by a junior internal medicine doctor.
Throughout the internship 6 Seminars will take place at Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (Room EP2) on Wednesdays from 14.30 till 16h, under the coordination of Prof. Doutor Pedro Póvoa.
Other classes will take place in each hospital; the local teams are responsible for these ones.

All the workload is based on practice, permanently integrated and supervised by the clinical team. Seminars (total of 6) represent an integrated view on areas relevant for the day-to-day practice and Emergency.

Evaluation method

 Clinical discussions and seminars will represent an important aspect both for the clinical practice and for the final evaluation. The final written report, after being discussed with the tutor, signed by the student and tutor, will be sent by email in .pdf to the secretary. Absence of positive assessment will require a eliminatory clinical examination.

Subject matter

Students must work daily on the wards, emergency and outpatients, where they will acquire the proficiency to interview, perform a physical examination, select exams, propose a diagnosis, propose a treatment, and fully integrate with the clinical team.


Programs where the course is taught: