General and Family Medicine (Clinical Practice)


- To practice a person-centred approach
- To perform a person-centred history and an adequate clinical examination
- To integrate psychosocial, cultural, and familial findings in the patient´s management plan
-To communicate effectively with patients
- To identify and to manage the most common health problems in the community
-To use a probabilistic reasoning in the diagnosis
- To use the time as a diagnostic resource
-To perform an objective and direct health examination
- To be familiar with the indications to order the diagnostic tests most frequently used and know how to interpret them
- To coordinate healthcare
- To identify health resources available in the community setting
- To coordinate care provided by different healthcare workers
- To perform therapeutic decisions that take into account the limitations of clinical data and a cost/benefit analysis
- To prescribe appropriately the most commonly used drugs
- To identify the health risks factors in certain patients and families and to perform the adequate preventive health measures
- To use scientific evidence in primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention
- To demonstrate medical professionalism

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof.ª Doutora Maria Isabel Santos


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language






Freeman TR. McWhinney's Textbook of Family Medicine. 4.ª Edição. Nova Iorque. Oxford University Press. 2016. Ler o primeiro capítulo “The Basic Principles”. Exemplares em papel na biblioteca
Ramos V. A consulta em 7 passos. Edição da APMCG, Março de 2009
Family Planning - A global handbook for providers World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health & United States Agency for International Development, 2018
Rosenblatt J. Murtagh’s General Practice. 6.ª Edição. North Ryde. McGraw-Hill Education. 2015.

Electronic resources

UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA.
Dynamed (
Direcção-Geral da Saúde
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Cochrane Library
NICE guidance

Teaching method

It will be a supervised clerkship. In other words, this is a learning by doing methodology: clinical work with patients and healthy people who come to primary healthcare centres. Students have to master spoken and written Portuguese in order to communicate with patients and with other health professionals. Students will need to document what they have learned, recording their clinical experience throughout the clerkship. These records will allow for self-assessment and they will support assessment by the teaching staff.
There will be a daily dialogue between the student and the tutor: discussing patient cases, questions that may arise during patient observation, tutorials and feedback. Students will collect evidence of their learning experiences and write a pre-formatted portfolio called DEO. During the clerkship, students will participate in the different types of consultation and in other activities, and they are being continuously assessed by their tutors regarding their professional attitudes and performance.
Each student should download the attendance record sheet and the skills’ assessment sheet, which are available in the Moodle platform. Students must be present in at least 2/3 of the days assigned to the clerkship and there is no supplementary system for students who are unable to attend this minimum. The student must deliver the attendance record sheet, the procedure checklist and the skills assessment sheet (AC) at the administrative office of the curricular unit at the day of the final assessment interview.

Evaluation method

Attending at least 2/3 of the clerkship and sending these documents is mandatory, and the final assessment interview (EF). This interview aims to assess that the learning outcomes were successfully acquired and to assess how the student reflects on her or his clinical practice. The portfolio is submitted by e-mail (see below). Submissions after the deadline will be received but a penalty will be applied in the final marking. For a delay up to one hour, the penalty will be of 1 point less; for a delay between one hour and Thursday 8:00 AM before the interview, the penalty will be of 3 points less. When the assessment interview marking is positive, the final grade with penalty cannot be below 10 points. The interview takes the form of an oral examination and students may not appeal for revision of the classification in this exam. The Final Marking (CF) is obtained through application of this formula: CF=(AC+2xEF)/ 3

Subject matter

The syllabus or the content of this Curricular Unit is defined by the its learning goals. Therefore, during the four weeks of “Supervised Practice”, students will practice:
The doctor patient relationship
Medical professionalism
Physical examination
Using time as a diagnostic resource
Probabilistic reasoning
Prioritizing health problems
Planning patient care
Coordinating patient care


Programs where the course is taught: