Infection: Etiology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutical Bases


The main objective of the Unit is to initiate students in the study of infectious diseases and their agents. 

The program, theoretical and practical, aims to give future medical practitioners the tools that will enable them to understand the dynamics of the relationship between the human host and the microbial parasite and guide them in their future clinical practice in what concerns the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. With this intent, the teaching contents result from the collaboration of the teams of Microbiology and Pharmacology of the FCM. 

At the end of the course, students should be able to use scientific language in the area of infectious diseases to allow them, in subsequent years, to understand the importance of Microbiology and Pharmacology applied to infection in different medical specialties. 

Given a clinical infection scenario, the student should be able to identify the etiologic agents most likely involved and indicate the diagnostic methods to be used.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Paulo Paixão


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Microbiologia Médica. Helena Barroso, António Meliço Silvestre, Nuno Taveira. 2014, Lidel.

Medical Microbiology, Patrick Murray, Ken Rosenthal, Michael Pfaller. 8th edition, 2013, Elsevier Ltd.

“Mims”Medical Microbiology, Richard V. Goering, et al. 5th edition, 2013, Elsevier Ltd.

Teaching method

The lectures are taught by teachers of the academic unit, depending on their respective specializations.

The form of lecture is expository, in which they address issues considered fundamental, providing clues to guide students for their own individual and more detailed study.

The practical classes, lasting two hours per week, are organized into groups of about 11-12 students and guided by a teacher. It is not allowed to change schedules; if the student cannot come on his/ her schedule, he/she may ask the teacher to be present at another time, but it will always be recorded missing this week.

Evaluation method

1. Avaliação durante o período de aulas - 30%

2. Exame escrito final- 70%

Subject matter

Introduction to Clinical Microbiology

Pathogenicity mechanisms. Vaccination and passive immunization

Diagnosis in Clinical Microbiology


Antibacterial agents

Pathogen / host relationship

Serum concentrations of antimicrobials. Objectives and interpretation


Antifungal agents


Antiviral agents


Antiparasitic agents


Programs where the course is taught: