

The aims of the education of the discipline of Immunology in the 3rd year of the medical curriculum, are:


-          That students at the end of the semester have knowledge about the constitution of the Immune System and on the immune defense response mechanisms, as well as the mechanisms of modulation of the immune response.

-          That students understand the dynamics of the knowledge contained in a science with rapid development that integrate in all other medical sciences.

-          That students acquire competences for the study of Immunology in the Future for the comprehension of vast areas of immunological disorders, namely Immune Deficiencies, Hypersensitivity Reactions, Autoimmunity, Lymphoproliferative Diseases, Tumoral Immunology and Transplantation Immunology.


The theoretical Course, in which theoretical concepts will be exposed, will be accompanied by practical demonstrations of the laboratorial technology, and discussion of clinical cases.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Luís Miguel Borrego


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Abbas, A., Lichtman, A.H., Pillai, S. (2014) 8th ed. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Saunders Elsevier. ISBN 9780323222754.


Arosa, F., Caetano, E., Pacheco, F. (2012) 2a ed. Fundamentos de Imunologia. Lidel ISBN 978-972-757-856-6


Owen, J., Punt, J., Stranford, S. (2012) 7th ed. Kuby Immunology W.H. Freeman and Company.

ISBN-10: 1-4292-1919-X.


Murphy, K. (2011) 8th ed. Janeway's Immunobiology. Garland Science. ISBN 978-081-534-243-4.


Artigos científicos e outras IGNOREes bibliográficas (fornecidos pelos docentes)

Teaching method

The course is organized in two initial weeks of lectures and a subsequent period of 12 weeks of theoretical and practical classes. Practical classes will last 90 minutes, and the theoretical classes will be two periods of 45 minutes with a 5 minutes interval.


Handhouts will be provided classes (for all theoretical and practical classes) as well as scientific papers, available in Moodle platform.

Evaluation method

The course evaluation will be made by a final exam (with all topics theoretical and pratical) and two pratical tests. The theoretical test will at the medQuizz platform (1st season) or an oral examination (2nd season and special season). The pratical examinations will also be made at the medQuizz platform.


 To be approved to the curricular unit it is mandatory to have a minimum classification of 10 values is mandatory in each of the evaluation components


The theoretical test in medQuizz platform will consist of a multiple-choice test with 80 questions, 5 options per question. In each question there is only one correct option, each question corresponding to 0.25 values. The test will have a minimum duration of 120 minutes.


Each practical test in medQuizz platform will consist of a multiple-choice test with 20 questions, 5 options per question. In each question there is only one correct option, each question corresponding to 1 values. The test will have a duration of 30 minutes.


 In case of failure, students will have to repeat both tests in the following year.

Subject matter

The syllabus of the curricular unit of Immunology includes the following themes:


·         Establishment and functioning of the SI.

·         Innate and Adaptive Immune Response.

·         Complement System.

·         Complement and disease.

·         Maturation of T and B cells.

·         Antibodies and antigens.

·         Major Histocompatibility Complex and antigen presentation mechanisms.

·         Immune Response Mediated by T and B cells

·         Immune Tolerance Mechanisms.

·         Immune Regulation Mechanisms.

·         Immunization.

·         Infectious Diseases: immunologic mechanisms and clinical and laboratory approach.

·         Hypersensitivity Reactions.

·         Primary Immunodeficiencies.

·         Allergy and Hypersensitivity.

·         Autoimmunity.

·         Acute and Chronic Lymphoproliferative Diseases.

·         HIV Infection and AIDS.

·         Transplant Immunology.

·         Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy.

·         Immunology of Pregnancy.

·         Autoinflammatory Syndromes.

·         Immunological Emergencies.

·         Immune Response Evaluation in clinical practice: clinical and laboratory integration.

·         Patients with Immune Pathology.


Programs where the course is taught: