Laboratory Medicine
Provide the students with the knowledge essential for selecting the most appropriate laboratory tests according to the clinical situation in question, including screening, diagnostic or therapeutic monitoring, the interpretation and ranking based on the individual characteristics of each test, in order to avoid errors in requesting tests and in their interpretation, with consequences such as escalating of costs and poor practice.
The technical and physiopathology essentials fundaments, as well as competence and fitness to order and to interpret laboratory tests adequate to the most prevalent pathologies arising to general practitioners are object of final evaluation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor José Cortez de Almeida
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
As the issues taught on this course are cross-cutting to various medical specialties, there is no specific textbook covering all topics, students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge through literature they may consider suitable for their needs.
Nevertheless, on the MOODLE platform ( students can find, in PDF format, all presentations used in class, information regarding the bibliography considered relevant to the topics covered, as well as the guiding principles (guidelines) advised by several technical and scientific organizations.
Teaching method
Theoretical classes in Portuguese, which cover the basic principles essential to understand the issue in question, followed by discussion of clinical cases, in order to apply the previous learned knowledge.
Evaluation method
a) The only form of assessment is the written exam in an electronic platform (MedQuizz), lasting 75 minutes, consisting of 50 multiple-choice questions with five possibilities (only one is correct). The final classification ranges from 0 to 20. Students with an examination grade less than 9.5 are not approved.
b) Exam consultation is presential and is duly regulated by the Pedagogical Regulation of Medicine Integrated Master (PRMIM).
c) Students that wish to improve their grades may do so in the 2nd Season of the respective semester and should be required to ACADEMIC DEPARTEMENT in advance. The exam is written in the electronic platform MedQuizz.
d) The exam takes place on a date scheduled by the Faculty Council.
Subject matter
The course consists of 13 theoretical classes where, in each class, are addressed individually topics essential to the understanding, appreciation and hierarchization of laboratory tests used for screening, diagnosis and monitoring diseases with high prevalence in current clinical practice, and a tutorial on Transfusional Medicine.