

According to Regulation n.º 821/2016, which contains the normative of Integrated Master Degree in Medicine of NOVA Medical School, the structure of the 6th year includes a clinical clerkship with a total of 54 ECTS.

This work experience is organized in clerkships, in rotation through several clinical areas. Besides do-ing separated reports for each clinical area, students are expected to produce a final report to be dis-cussed at the end of the academic year.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Rui Maio


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language






Teaching method

The Professionalising Internship is a stage of professional nature which is subject of a Final Report, discussed in a public examination.
The public examination is mandatory and includes the discussion of a final report, integrating the set of partial reports and a final critical reflection.
Only the students who have successfully completed all clerkships of the 6th year are allowed to do the public examination.

Final Report

The structure of the final report is organized by three distinct elements:

-Pre-textual elements, which include, for example, cover, epigraph, dedications, acknowledgments and index;

-Textual elements, which should include an introduction (in which the student explains the objecti-ves of the report and presents the guiding principle), a body of work (synthesis of all the elements considered most relevant of internship) and a final critical reflection.
In final critical reflection student must report fulfillment of the personal and specific goals of the internships and justify their possible noncompliance.

The student may, if he wishes, include a brief discriminatory reference and a critical reflection about the Optional and Integrative Curricular Units, although this is not a component of the                               Professionalising Internship.

The report may also include the valuation elements carried out during the 6th year, or started in previous years, such as synthesis papers, research papers, or other work carried out that, in the student's opinion, are relevant to the Final Report of Master's degree and which have not been assessed;

-Post-textual elements, should contain all elements subsequent to the textual part such as attachments and, if any, bibliography, glossary and appendices.

The Final Report should be formatted based on the following standards:

-Times New Roman IGNORE, size 12, or Calibri, size 11;
-line spacing shall be 1,5;
-text aligned on both sides (justified);
-left margin: 2cm, right margin: 2cm, upper margin: 2,8cm and lower margin: 2,5cm;
-cannot exceed four A4 sheets (8 pages), the pages are only counted in the textual elements.

The guidelines about the public examination of the internship final report presentation (rules and de-adlines for data delivery of the final report and their evaluation) will be available on the intranet (mo-odle) during the 1st semester.

Evaluation method

 Types of evaluation:
 The evaluation system of the Professionalising Internship is included in the Pedagogical Regulation of Integrated Master Degree in Medicine, approved in August 4th 2016, by Dean of NMS|FCM/UNL, after hearing the Pedagogic and Scientific Council;

 The assessment system of the Professionalising Internship incorporates the evaluation of partial            rotation followed by the public examination of the final report;

 The final report includes all the partial reports and a final critical reflection;

 The calculation of the final classification of the Professionalising Internship is done by the weighted average (using ECTS) of the marks obtained in all clerkships plus the final report. The final classification is calculated by the next formula:

S = Surgery (clerkship); GO = Gynaecology and Obstetrics (clerkship); M = Medicine (clerkship); FM = General and Family Medicine (clerkship); P = Pediatrics (clerkship); MH = Mental Health (clerkship); FR = Final Report.

Subject matter

-Please refer to the Curricular Unit webform of each clerkships.


Programs where the course is taught: