Gynecology and Obstetrics


The main purposes of the CU are the achievement of knowledge, skills and attitudes for women’s health promotion, taking into account the specific needs and socio-cultural characteristics of each woman.

·      At the end of the course students should have acquired knowledge on family planning, preconcepcional counseling, gynecological cancer screening, normal pregnancy surveillance, infertility, major obstetric and gynecological pathologies.

At the end of the CU, students should be able to collect patient´s medical history and perform an obstetric and gynecological examination; collect cervical-vaginal smears; provide prenatal care in low-risk gestations and recognize high risk pregnancies; recognize symptoms and signs of labor; establish a plan research, formulate diagnostic hypotheses and propose therapy for current situations in Gynecology and obstetrics; recognize obstetric emergencies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof.ª Doutora Fátima Serrano


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





“Obstetrics and Gynecology”  8ª ed, 2018. Beckmann et al (ACOG). Wolkers Kluer. ISBN  978-1496353092

“Medicina Materno-Fetal” 5ª ed, 2017. Luís Mendes da Graça. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lda. ISBN9789897522888


“Programa Nacional para a vigilância da gravidez de baixo risco” - (Pgs 24-29; 33-50; 52-62; 69-75; 80-89)

“Saúde Reprodutiva / Infertilidade” (Orientações/DGS) –

“Saúde Reprodutiva /Planeamento Familiar” (Orientações/DGS) –

“Consenso sobre Contraceção” - Sociedade Portuguesa de Contraceção.

PDF de diapositivos de aulas teóricas disponibilizados na Intranet da FCM (MOODLE).

Textos de apoio disponíveis na Intranet da FCM (MOODLE)

Teaching method

This Curricular Unit involves lectures, simulation classes at skills laboratory, Workshops and a clinical hospital component.

· Lectures: on main topics in obstetrics and gynecology, involve student´s debate.

· Simulation classes, Workshops and Seminars: Students learn how to obtain a medical history, as well as to perform basic procedures in obstetrics and Gynecology. Involve the discussion of clinical cases. Seminars consist of student’s presentation of topics previously prepared, followed by teachers’ discussion.

Clinical Component: Daily clinic hospital activities with tutor’s supervision. Teacher/student ratio is 1/3.

Evaluation method

Final classification is in a scale of 0 to 20. Fifty per cent of this value is obtained from the evaluation on clinical practice, taking into account parameters such as attendance, punctuality, participation, clinical reasoning, knowledge and skills. It will be complemented by an oral presentation and discussion of a clinical history and Logbook. The remaining 50% (theoretic evaluation) is obtained in a multiple-choice exam to be answered in Medquizz platform at the end of the semester. For approval at UC a minimum 9.5 classification values in each of the components (practical and theoretical) is mandatory. Approval in the clinical practice is necessary for admittance to the theoretical exam.

Subject matter

Menstrual cycle, conception and implantation. The fetoplacental unit. Maternal adaptation to pregnancy. Fetal growth. Medical history in obstetrics and gynecology. Preconception and antepartum care.  Multifetal gestation. Prenatal diagnosis. Bleeding in the first half of pregnancy. Preterm labor. Premature preterm rupture of membranes. Infections and pregnancy.  Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy. Hypertensive, renal, cardiac, endocrine diseases and pregnancy. Anemia. Labor: fetal monitoring; normal and dystocic delivery. Puerperium. Sexual and reproductive health. Contraception. Amenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding. Pain and infection in Gynecology. Pelvic support defects and urinary incontinence. Infertility and endometriosis. Menopause.  Gynecologic cancer.  Breast pathology.


Programs where the course is taught: