Medical and Surgical Specialties I
1. EMC1 students must receive information in terms of Internal Medicine and the specialties included this year that allow them:
2. To diagnose, treat and follow the progression of the more frequent Internal Medicine and specialty medical conditions not requiring the use of specific techniques of those specialties;
3. To recognize conditions that due to the need of diagnosis techniques and/or more specific therapies, should be timely referred to Specialties;
4. To diagnose emergency situations and to know how to initiate the more indicated therapeutic measures;
5. To be familiar, even briefly, with the more rare conditions.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor Jaime da Cunha Branco
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
- Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine
- Braunwald E, et al
- McGraw-Hill, 2005
- Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking.
- Ed Lynn S. Bickley.
- Lippincott. 2004
- Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases
- Mandell, et al
- Wiley Medical Publication
Teaching method
Teaching will consist of theoretical and practical classes and practical internship training.
36 Theoretical Classes. The practical classes will be held from 08.30 AM to 1 PM, Monday to Friday, for 10 weeks.
Internal Medicine: 4 weeks
Infectious Diseases: 2 weeks
Neurology: 2 weeks
Orthopedics / Rheumatology: 2 weeks
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: only theoretical classes
Initiating students to ward practice;
Promoting outpatients follow-up;
Tutored frequency of internal and/or external emergency services (whenever possible); day hospital.
Evaluation method
Subject matter
Cardiovascular diseases
Metabolic diseases
Fever and infections
Blood Diseases
Respiratory diseases
AVC and coma
Back Pain