Medical and Surgical Specialties I


1.       EMC1 students must receive information in terms of Internal Medicine and the specialties included this year that allow them:

2.       To diagnose, treat and follow the progression of the more frequent Internal Medicine and specialty medical conditions not requiring the use of specific techniques of those specialties;

3.       To recognize conditions that due to the need of diagnosis techniques and/or more specific therapies, should be timely referred to Specialties;

4.       To diagnose emergency situations and to know how to initiate the more indicated therapeutic measures;

5.       To be familiar, even briefly, with the more rare conditions.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Jaime da Cunha Branco


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





-        Harrison’s – Principles of Internal Medicine

-        Braunwald E, et al

-        McGraw-Hill, 2005

-        Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking.

-        Ed Lynn S. Bickley.

-        Lippincott. 2004

-        Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases

-        Mandell, et al

-        Wiley Medical Publication

Teaching method

Teaching will consist of theoretical and practical classes and practical internship training.

36 Theoretical Classes. The practical classes will be held from 08.30 AM to 1 PM, Monday to Friday, for 10 weeks.

Internal Medicine: 4 weeks

Infectious Diseases: 2 weeks

Neurology: 2 weeks

Orthopedics / Rheumatology: 2 weeks

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: only theoretical classes


Initiating students to ward practice;

Promoting outpatients follow-up;

Tutored frequency of internal and/or external emergency services (whenever possible); day hospital.

Evaluation method

The students final evaluation includes a continuous evaluation and theoretical evaluation, both with the same weight and qualifiers .

Continuous assessment based on the ability to discuss medical histories, performing the examination maneuvers goal, execution and interpretation of additional tests, teamwork, training and other activities of attendance.

Evaluation Theory is a multiple choice test.

Subject matter

Cardiovascular diseases

Metabolic diseases

Fever and infections

Blood Diseases

Respiratory diseases

AVC and coma


Anti-Infection Microbial virulence & Host Defenses

Malaria /Diseases Importing

Emerging diseases

Viral hepatitis

Rickettsioses, Q fever and leptospirosis

NCS Infection




Neurological examination

Cognitive complaints

Syncope and Epilepsy

State Confusion

D. Movement



Focal signs in Young Adult

General principles of PMR

Physical agents

Technical aids in rehabilitation.

Immobilisation syndrome.

Frailty syndrome.

Children's orthopedics

Congenital deformities

Osteoarticular infections

Bone tumors

Adult Orthopedics


Clinical history, objective examination and Investigations in Rheumatology

Osteo-Metabolic Diseases, Osteoarthritis and microcrystalline diseases.

Systemic and Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases Syndromes

Musculoskeletal Diffuse and Regional syndromes

Back Pain


Programs where the course is taught: