Introducion to Pediatrics and Health in Adolescence


To obtain knowledge and opportunities for acquiring performance and attitudes concerning:
1) The healthy child, including the neonate, and preventive aspects of disease
2) The healthy adolescent and the adolescent with pathology
Knowledge on human embryology.

B. Performance
Application of acquired knowledge (know-how) to clinical practice, establishing proper interaction with the child, parents and accompanying persons.
- To take the clinical history in different age groups, including anamnesis, physical examination and summary clinical report.
- In each outpatient visit: to assess growth and psychomotor development, to measure the blood pressure, to recommend the feeding plan, and to check the compliance with National Program of Vaccination (NPV).
- To schedule the regular outpatient visits in convenience with adequate ages to assess psychomotor milestones, to plan feeding and to provide vaccines of the NPV.
- To recognize early neurodevelopment and growth deviations.
- To record data in appropriate support, including in the Infant and Juvenile Health Bulletin.
C. Attitudes
Assiduity and punctuality (ethical behavior of a future clinician). Intellectual integrity, scientific rigor, and permanent study and update. Adequate interaction with the child and family. Respect for the hierarchical superiors and colleagues. To recognize and respect the ethical, moral and religious principles. Compassion for the disadvantaged. To recognize the fallibility and be humble in face of the error.  To recognize the need to ask for help in critical situations. Team working with health professionals.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Luís Pereira da Silva


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





- Videira Amaral JM, ed. Tratado de Clínica Pediátrica. Lisboa, 2013, capítulos: 1. Criança em Portugal e no mundo; demografia e saúde, 2. Os superiores interesses da criança; 7. Aspetos metodológicos da abordagem de casos clínicos; 19. Crescimento; 21. Desenvolvimento; 22. Desenvolvimento e Intervenção; 43. Adolescência, crescimento e desenvolvimento; 44. Adolescência e comportamento: abordagem clínica; 51. Nutrientes; 52 Alimentação com leite materno; 53. Leites e fórmulas infantis; 54. Probióticos, prebióticos e simbióticos; 55. Alimentação diversificada no primeiro ano de vida; 56. Alimentação após o primeiro ano de vida incluindo as idades pré-escolar, escolar e adolescência; 324. Aspetos da medicina perinatal; 325. Introdução à Neonatologia; 326. Adaptação fetal à vida extrauterina; 327. Exame clínico do recém-nascido; 328. Cuidados ao recém-nascido aparentemente saudável; 358. Icterícia neonatal.
- Kliegman RM et al, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Ed., 2011, Part II Growth, development, and behavior, capítulos: 6. Overview and assessment of variability, 7. The newborn, 8. The first year, 9. The second year, 10. The preschool years, 11. Middle childhood, 12. Adolescence e 13. Assessment of growth; Part VI Nutrition, capítulos: 41. Nutritional requirements e 42. Feeding healthy infants, children, and adolescents; Part XII The fetus and the neonatal infant, capítulo 88. The newborn infant; Part XIII Adolescent Medicine, capítulos: 104. Adolescent development, 105. The epidemiology of adolescent health problems, 106. Delivery of health care to adolescents e 108. Substance abuse.
- Programa Nacional de Saúde Infantil e Juvenil, Direcção Geral de Saúde, 2013.
- Programa Nacional de Vacinação 2017, Direção Geral de Saúde, 2016.
- Carlson B.M. Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2013.
- Moore P. The Developing Human – Clinically Oriented Embriology, 10th ed. Saunders, Elsevier, 2016.
- Cochard L. Netter’s Atlas of Human Embriology, Saunders, Elsevier, 2012.

- Fontoura M, Fonseca M, Simões de Moura L, eds. Crescimento Normal e Patológico. Manual Prático de Avaliação, 2014
- Pereira-da-Silva L. Neonatal anthropometry: a tool to evaluate the nutritional status, and to predict early and late risks. In: Preedy VR, ed. The Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease. Springer, New York, 2012, Chapt. 65;1079-104.
- Lissauer T, Clayden G, eds. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics. 4th ed. Mosby Elsevier, 2012
- Artigos em formato PDF fornecido pelos docentes.

Teaching method

A. Teaching methods

Methods used: expositive lecture, seminar, role-playing, bedside teaching, and discussion of clinical cases.

In the theoretical classes, the lectures are predominantly expositive for all students attending the semester, not exceeding 50 minutes for both presentation and discussion.
The practical and theoretical-practical classes have a great interactive component. Those with clinical component (bedside teaching and discussion of clinical cases) are engaged in the clinical routine always supervised by a teacher. Those without clinical component (seminars and role-playing) are centered in the training of exercises and performances of small groups, under supervision of a teacher.
In practical and theoretical-practical classes in primary care settings, hospitals with maternity, and adolescent medicine training in the Hospital Dona Estefania, bedside teaching and discussion of clinical cases predominate. The bedside teaching is the preferred method in which the teacher represents the model for performances and attitudes, either with in inpatients or in outpatients.
Practical classes in some hospitals and in adolescence health training also include seminars prepared by a small group of students that presents the theme to the remaining student class and responds to their questions; the teacher moderates and evaluates the presentations and the participation in discussion.
In adolescent medicine training, specifically in the Aparece Unit of the Sete Rios Health Center and in the W Mais Unit of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, the role playing is used with participation of two or three persons acting as actors; in the last case, the student plays the role of adolescent, the teacher plays the role of the adolescent’s relative or accompanying person, and another student plays the role of the heath professional.

Evaluation method

The learning assessment encompasses the theoretical knowledge (theoretical exam and continuous assessment in practical classes), the performance and attitudes (continuous assessment in practical classes).
The score range is from 0 to 20 points. Students are approved achieving a final classification of at least 10 (= 9.5) points.
The final classification is the mean of the classification obtained in the written exam (50%) and the continuous assessment (50%).
The theoretical assessment is performed using a computer and consists of a multiple-choice test with 50 questions about the knowledge in the syllabus of the curricular unit, including those transmitted in theoretical classes. Each question contains a statement and four options, one of which is the truest and is the right answer. Each right answer is worth 0.4 values, each unanswered is worth zero and each wrong deducts 0.1 values. 75 seconds are given for each question.
The continuous assessment is calculated from the classifications attributed in the three areas of training - primary care, hospital, and health in adolescence - with different weights.

Subject matter

Introduction to Pediatrics
Infantile and juvenile health: organization of care and health indicators.
Notions about tje relationships between structures that provide care and support to children and adolescents, inside and outside the health settings: maternity, family health unit, home visits, health center/ family health unit, school health, hospital, National System for Early Intervention in Infancy, social security, kindergarten and school.
Particularities of perinatal medicine: prenatal and perinatal care, adaptation to extra uterine life, physical examination of newborn infant, health care for apparently normal neonate.
Nutrition: feeding specific to different ages and individual requirements and appropriate feeding behaviors; breastfeeding and infant formulas, type of formulas, complementary feeding, feeding after the first year of age, including at pre-school age, school age and adolescence.
Obesity prevention: early programming and nutritional risk.
Growth and nutritional assessment: anthropometry and body composition. Reference values according to age groups, particularly the World Health Organization standards.
Psychomotor development: general considerations, milestones from the neonatal period to adolescence, including emotional development and socialization.
National Program of Vaccines and recommended extra vaccines not included in this Program.
Preventive and social pediatrics: epigenetics in prevention of diseases, approaches to prevent accidents and intoxications, rationalizing watching television and computer games habits, inappropriate sun exposure, detection of child abuse, oral health, timely referencing of early detected congenital abnormalities (e.g., hip dysplasia, congenital heart diseases, non-descent testis, and impaired vision, hearing and language).
Health in adolescence
Particularities of adolescent medicine: medical interview with the adolescent and family; puberty and sexual maturation; nutrition; sports and physical activity; neurobiological basis of behavior; psychosocial and emotional development, self-image, sleep, addiction and risky behaviors.
Human embryology
Fertilization, segmentation, gastrulation, embryology of the locomotor, digestive, urogenital and cardiovascular, and central nervous systems; embryology of the lung and of the face.


Programs where the course is taught: