Elderly Patient


The CU “The Elderly Patient” aims to deliver knowledge and competency in Gerontology and Geriatrics, in a comprehensive view of the individual, integrated with the teaching of the CU´s of the Integrated Master in Medicine of NMS|FCM.

At the end of the CU, the students should be able to:
- Identify manifestations of biological ageing;
- Differentiate disease specificities of elderly people;
- Include the concepts of functionality and frailty in clinical practice;
- Identify geriatric syndromes;
- Outline an individual care plan, in accordance with a multiprofessional approach.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof.ª Doutora Amália Botelho


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





- Ferrucci R,Studenski S. Clinical problems of ageing. Chapter 11. Part 1. Harrison's principles of internal medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical, 2015

- Hazzard's geriatric medicine and gerontology (2009). McGraw-Hill Companies.
- Botelho, MA. Envelhecimento e Funcionalidade (2014). In: Envelhecimento, Saúde e Doença, Novos Desafios para a Prestação de Cuidados a Idosos. Coordenação de António Fonseca. Coisas de Ler
- Balsinha C, Gonçalves-Pereira M. A avaliação do paciente idoso em Medicina Geral e Familiar: desafios e oportunidades. Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar 2014; 30: 196-201.
- Botelho, M.A. (2007) Idade Avançada - características biológicas e multimorbilidade. Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar 2007; 23:191-5

Teaching method

• 7 theoretical classes (T)
• 1 session on clinical cases and integrated intervention plans (Seminar)
• 5 theoretical-classes of clinical cases (C)
• 1 gerontological article (A)
• 1 session in Geriatric Hospital (HM)

Evaluation method

Continuous Evaluation (30%):
• clinical case – 4% each (20%);
• article – 5%;
• hospital session – 5%.

Final Evaluation (70%):
• Multiple choice questions, by medQuizz method

Subject matter

- Biological ageing, health, physical and mental disease in elderly people;
- Concepts of functionality and frailty;
- Concept of geriatric syndrome, its detection and related factors;
- Comprehensive geriatric assessment and individual care plan, according to ethic and legal aspects, in accordance with a multiprofissional approach.


Programs where the course is taught: