Research Project


The major goal of this CU is to provide the concepts and fundamental skills required for the practice of scientific research.  The specific goals of this CU include:

-          The ability to plan and execute experimental work to test hypothesis that address specific scientific problems of relevance for the life and heath sciences;

-          To conduct experimental work and to critically analyse the results and other outcomes of the experimental work;

-          To discuss the results obtained and to establish its impact on the current state of art and its potential for the advancement of the science;

-          To present both in writing and orally, the results of the experimental work, assessing its impact in the broader context of the scientific areas in which the project is integrated; the presentations should clearly, but briefly, state the major conclusions of the study as well as the main bottlenecks and alternative strategies (when applicable) .

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Paulo Pereira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language






Teaching method

The teaching methodologies consist in a combination of theoretical-practical and practical (clinical and/or non-clinical) teaching.

 The theoretical-practical classes correspond to seminars where students are expected to present and discuss, at the beginning of the semester, the research project that they wish to conduct, highlighting the main goals, the expected outcomes and the methods to be used. After completion of the experimental students should present the main results and conclusions of the work taking into consideration the goals of the CU.

The practical classes correspond to the experimental work developed by the student under the supervision of a specially designated tutor.

Evaluation method


Classification proposed by the tutor that supervised the student: 40%

Written report on the research project: 40%

Presentation and discussion of the research project: 20%

Subject matter

Students are expected to design, execute and present the results of a specific research project. The projects are selected at the beginning of the semester, form a list of projects available at the NMS/FCM or at the laboratories or clinical services associated with the School. The coordinator of the CU will ensure that the projects/labs available to host students comply with the requirements and goals of the curricular unit. The principal investigator (PI) of the project (or a person that he/she designates) will act as tutor of the student during the duration of the training and until the project is completed.

Students are expected to actively engage in the regular activities of the host laboratory/ clinical service (e.g. lab meetings, journal clubs or similar activities)


Programs where the course is taught: