Introduction to Medical Sexology
Sexology is the interdisciplinary study of human sexuality, including human sexual interests, behaviors and function. The main goal of this course is to provide medical students with training in the multiple aspects of human sexuality, skilled to promote sexual health.
At the end of the CU, students should have:
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Fátima Serrano
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Basson R. Women's sexual dysfunction: revised and expanded definitions. CMAJ.2005 10;172(10):1327-33.
Gonçalves-Pereira M, Sampaio D. Trabalho com famílias em psiquiatria geriátrica. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 2011; 24(S4): 819-826.
Sexual Medicine -
Sexual Medicine. Sexual Dysfunctions in Men and Women. Montorsi, Basson, Adaikan et al eds, 2010.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (5th ed) DSM5 American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
Wedding D, Stuber M.L. Behavior Medicine. 5th Ed. Hogrefe Publishing, 2010
Sexologia Médica 1º ed, 2014. Nuno M Pereira Coord. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lda. ISBN: 978-972-757-607-4
Teaching method
The UC occupies 13 weeks and is organized in 10 modules of theoretical sessions and 3 Workshops:
· Lectures on the most important themes in sexual medicine. Each module starts from the adequate theoretical framework safeguarding the necessary articulation with the subsequent, ensuring coherent progression in learning. They aim the systematisation of the key concepts of UC.
· Workshops: Students oral presentations (literature reviews, selected scientific papers analysis, clinical cases), followed by debate by a panel of teachers. Frequency of at least 2/3 of Workshops is mandatory.
Evaluation method
Final classification is in a scale of 0 to 20:
For approval at UC a minimum 9.5 classification value in the workshop and in the written test is mandatory. The disapproval in the workshop makes the realization of the written test unfeasible.
Subject matter
History of human sexuality study; Sex determination and differentiation; Construction of gender identity; Gender roles and sexual orientation; Body image and Sexuality; Male sexual response and male sexual dysfunctions; Female sexual response and female sexual dysfunctions; Female Genital Mutilation; Sexual and reproductive health (contraception, sexually transmitted infections, family planning, adolescent pregnancy); Gender dysphoria; Paraphilias; Sexuality and specific groups (adolescence, menopause, chronic disease, disability, infertility, LGBT); Marital counseling; Sexual Violence; Ethics and medical Sexology.