

I. Conduct a clinical interview
II. Conduct a psychiatric observation
III. Understand the influence of personality, and family and socio-cultural factors on the etiology and course of psychiatric disorders
IV. Manage the doctor-patient relationship
V. Describe the clinical characteristics, treatment principles and indications for referral to specialized services of several disorders.
VI. Using the available instruments of therapeutic intervention:
According to a differentiate therapeutic action scheme, so different methods are appropriately combined in accordance with the factors involved in the genesis and evolution of each particular clinical situation
Taking into consideration the indications and side effects of anxiolytics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers and antipsychotics.
Understanding the principles of the main psychotherapeutic interventions
Knowing the principles of psychosocial rehabilitation and community interventions for the severe mentally ill.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Miguel Xavier


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Paul Harrison, Philip Cowen, Tom Burns and Mina Fazel.  Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, 7th edition, 2017.

Teaching method

Teaching is made during an internship at the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, which includes seminars, participation in clinical activities under supervision of tutors, and elaboration of assignments. Students will participate in 9 clinical seminars, and clinical activities (at inpatient and outpatient units) developed in 10 days (morning period). They also will elaborate a clinical history of a patient and develop a paper on a theme related to the patient medical history, focusing etiopathogenic, epidemiological, clinical or therapeutic aspects of the case.

Seminars include a short theoretical presentation and discussion of a clinical case (covering different areas).

Evaluation method

The assessment is made through the combination of:

- Clinical history of a patient and paper-20%

- Multiple choice questions exam-80% (failed if mark below 9, 5)

- Students will have to participate in at least 2/3 of the days. There will be no default regime for the students who don’t have minimal days of attendance.


According to Order Nr.1 / 2018 issued by the Pedagogical Council "students who are legally exempt from attending the minimum number of classes and who do not comply with the provisions of paragraph 5 of article 13 of the MIM Pedagogical Regulation , should have the opportunity to conduct a practical assessment for the purpose of school achievement. "

Under these circumstances, an oral evaluation will be made, addressing the theoretical and practical contents covered during the module.


According to the decree, "all students who, even though they are legally exempt from attending the minimum number of classes, meet the attendance minimums, are therefore able to complete the distributed practical assessment, as is the case with students without this status. "

Subject matter

1. Clinical history

Doctor-patient relationship

Psychiatric interview

2. Main psychopathological symptoms and mental health status examination

3. Mental health problems, life events and life cycle.

Prevalence and signs of mental health problems (distress).

Psychosocial determinants (poverty, unemployment, etc.).

Mental health problems, mental illness and behavior

Management of specific situations (suicide risk, adjustment disorders, problems related to addictive behaviors, problems linked to aggressive behavior).

4. Psychiatric syndromes

5. Epidemiology pathogenesis, clinical and therapeutic aspects of:

Affective disorders and suicide


Anxiety Disorders and Somatoform Disorders

Personality disorders

Eating disorders


Disorders associated with alcohol dependence and other addictions elderly

Childhood and adolescence Psychiatric disorders

Psychiatric disorders of the elderly


Programs where the course is taught: