Defined as terms of learning products (knowledge, aptitudes and skills to be acquired by the students) that will be subjected to evaluation.
To diagnose, manage and treat the most common paediatric conditions both in the community or in the hospital namely the following: respiratory diseases, neurologic problems, renal and urinary diseases, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, renal, metabolic, haematological, endocrine, infectious diseases; perinatal, neonatal diseases and surgical conditions.
To know how to manage clinical urgent and emergent situations such as shock, coma, traumatic problems, surgical emergencies, respiratory failure, dehydration.
To know how to prescribe antibiotics and other drugs as well as oral and intravenous solutions.
To know how to use the different ways to give medication.
To know and have practiced Paediatric and neonatal resuscitation.
To know the principles of palliative care in paediatrics.
To know how to perform a scientific talk the presentation, to present it and to answer questions.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Maria Teresa Neto
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Slides of theoretical lessons, published online on the Moodle, are a guide for the theoretical classes and are not enough to have a deep vision of issues. Students must read specific chapters on the Book of JMV Amaral. Other books or articles in medical magazines may be advised by teachers.
- Tratado de Clínica Pediátrica. João M. Videira Amaral. Lisboa, 2013
· Orientação Diagnóstica
· Terapêutica Pediátrica
· Cirurgia Pediátrica José Luis Martins. Manole, 2007
· Essential Pediatrics (David Hull, Derek I Johnston. Eds.). Churchill Livingstone.
· Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics (Tom Lissauer, Graham Clayden). Ed. Mosby.
· Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (Richard E Behrman, Robert M Kliegman, Eds.). WB Saunders Company. Philadelphia, 2004
· Paediatric Clinical Examination (Dennis Gill, Niall OBrien). Ed. Churchill Livingstone.
· Manual of Neonatal Care (JP Cloherty, EC Eichenwald, AR Stark Lippincot Williams & Wilkins Philadelphia, 2004.
Pediatric Surgery Handbook ( download gratuito )
Teaching method
· Theoretical lessons in each semester there will be 42 theoretical lessons of 50 minutes each, on the most important issues of paediatric diseases. Teachers will be offered the possibility of e-learning lessons if it would be felt as necessary to cover more diseases. If this option is presente, the time destined to each specialty will be directed to resolving doubts, discussing problems and clinical cases.
· Theoretical-practical lesson mainly in cardiology to groups to 10 to 12 students in the ward. It is admitted that during the year they may be applied in other fields.
· Clinical practical lessons they will occur from 9am to 1pm in the Paediatric ward on in the emergency ward or outpatient clinic.
· Non-clinical practical lessons lessons by simulation where procedures and techniques will be teach and trained to groups of 7 / 8 students.
· Seminars The group of students of each Assistant will choose an issue to speak about at the end of the 5 weeks. The best presentation may be selected to be presented at the National Congress of Paediatrics.
Evaluation method
Subject matter