Introduction to Travel Medicine
To understand the concept of travel medicine and the global and individual implications of the international traveller health
To understand the role of health professionals in the travellers protection
To identify potential risks associated with international travel
To recognize the aspects of prevention as a way of reducing risks to the health of the traveller
To learn how to individualize the recommendations according to the trip and the traveller
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor João Luis Baptista
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
WHO International Travel and Health 2012 e 2015 Updates
CDC Health Information for International Travel 2016 -
Vídeos da OMS desenvolvidos em algumas temáticas das aulas e a introduzir de modo específico.
Teaching method
Evaluation method
Subject matter
- Globalization, international travel, health and safety
- Prepare the traveller: understand and communicate the risk
- Travel medicine and zoonosis - "one world, one health"
- Malaria
- Genetics and Communicable Diseases
- Other vector-borne diseases
- Risks associated with the environment and their prevention
- Vaccines and vaccination in the international traveller
- Special travellers (children, the elderly and pregnant women)
- Other special travellers
- Emerging and re-emerging diseases and travel medicine
- The traveller health kit
- Post travel assessment
- Available tools and resources in travel medicine