Occupational health


The Occupational Health course intend to promote an initial contact with the workers’ health and safety aiming at to provide opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in students that allow a deeper study and analysis of the relationships between work and health (illness).

It is expected to provide opportunities for students to:

a) Understand the key issues in Occupational Health field for future physicians;
b) Deal with the practical components of Occupational Health in different contexts, namely health and occupational environment surveillance of occupational diseases and accidents and its prevention;

c) Develop understanding of the work and its relationships with workers health and safety, namely occupational hazards;

d) Obtain knowledge about transdisciplinary Occupational Health approach.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor António Sousa Uva


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





–        LEVY, B.S.; WEGMAN, D.H. – Occupational Health: an overview. In BARRY S. LEVY; DAVID H. WEGMAN – Occupational Health: recognizing and preventing work-related disease and injury. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4th ed., 2000, 3-25.

–       Uva, A.S. Diagnóstico e Gestão do Risco em Saúde Ocupacional. Lisboa: IDICT/ACT, 2006; 2010.

–        Uva, A.S.; Serranheira, F. Saúde, Doença e Trabalho: ganhar ou perder a vida a trabalhar. Lisboa: Diário de Bordo, 2013.


Teaching method

Lessons with support projection means (powerpoint slides and other audiovisual methods).


Evaluation method

Evaluation: continuous and attendance (40%) and individual final evaluation (60%)


Subject matter

• Relationships work/disease; Introduction. Some indicators of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS);
• Historic aspects of OHS;
• Occupational hazards and occupational risks;
• Risk assessment in Occupational Health (OH);
• Work Analysis: ergonomic perspective;
• Risk Management in Occupational Health;
• Chemical hazards: examples;
• Physical hazards: examples;
• Psychosocial hazards: examples;
• Microbiological hazards: examples;
• International organizations and the OHS;
• Policies and management of OHS;
• General aspects of Ethics in OHS and fitness for work.



Programs where the course is taught: