Occupational health
b) Deal with the practical components of Occupational Health in different contexts, namely health and occupational environment surveillance of occupational diseases and accidents and its prevention;
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor António Sousa Uva
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
LEVY, B.S.; WEGMAN, D.H. Occupational Health: an overview. In BARRY S. LEVY; DAVID H. WEGMAN Occupational Health: recognizing and preventing work-related disease and injury. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4th ed., 2000, 3-25.
Uva, A.S. Diagnóstico e Gestão do Risco em Saúde Ocupacional. Lisboa: IDICT/ACT, 2006; 2010.
Uva, A.S.; Serranheira, F. Saúde, Doença e Trabalho: ganhar ou perder a vida a trabalhar. Lisboa: Diário de Bordo, 2013.
Teaching method
Lessons with support projection means (powerpoint slides and other audiovisual methods).
Evaluation method
Evaluation: continuous and attendance (40%) and individual final evaluation (60%)
Subject matter
Historic aspects of OHS;
Occupational hazards and occupational risks;
Risk assessment in Occupational Health (OH);
Work Analysis: ergonomic perspective;
Risk Management in Occupational Health;
Chemical hazards: examples;
Physical hazards: examples;
Psychosocial hazards: examples;
Microbiological hazards: examples;
International organizations and the OHS;
Policies and management of OHS;
General aspects of Ethics in OHS and fitness for work.