

Students must acquire the competences as follow:

-        Identify patients with pain

-        Understand the patients with pain and its consequences

-        Try to identify the causes of the painful picture

-        Apply analgesic methods on order to well control pain

-        Evaluate the effectivity  of the analgesic treatment

-        Understand the complexity of the pain.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Prof. Doutor Jaime da Cunha Branco


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





·                    A Dor e suas Circunstâncias. Jaime C Branco, Lidel-Zamboni Editores, 2013.

•             Dor Neuropática – Diagnóstico e Tratamento, 2ª Edição. Pedro Soares Branco, Float Healthcare, 2015.

•             Pain: Clinical Updates -

•             Guide to Pain Management in Low-Resource Settings –

•             Moore A, Edwards J, Barden J, McQuay H: Bandolier's Little Book of Pain,

•             Oxford University Press, 2013

•             Wall and Melzack´s Textbook of Pain, sixth edition, Elsevier, 2013

•             Bonica´s Management of Pain, fourth edition, Lippincott Williams & WilKins, 2010

Teaching method

This Subject as a total of 84 hours including 55 hours of individual research and study, 14 hours of theoretical classes, 6 hours of theoretical-practical classes, and 8 hours of Seminars. 

The theoretical classes are destined to structure the knowledge and the theoretical-practical ones facilitate is application – development of questions that contribute to elaborate different clinical histories with several diagnosis hypothesis, prescription of diagnostic exams, proposals of diagnostic plans (that stresses patient empowerment) and diagnosis performance. Seminars main objective is to promote and facilitate open discussion of different issues with the confrontation of various perspectives.

The individual research and study component encourages the student to find bibliography and sites with unequivocal interest.

Evaluation method

The Subject evaluation includes:

-          Continuous assessment based on the Seminars active participation

Final examination

Subject matter

Theoretical classes

1.       Pain in arth and literature

2.       Pain and society

3.       Pain: definition, classification and Clinic

4.       Anatomophisiology of the nociceptive system and pain pathophysiology

5.       Ethic and interdisciplinary management of Pain

6.       Acute pain, in different contexts

7.       Pain – the chronicity continuum

8.       Neuropathia pain

9.       Oncologic pain

10.   Spine pain

11.   Palliative care in Portugal

12.   Pain and psicoaffective disorders

13.   Pain in elderly

14.   Pain in pediatric age

15.   Pain evaluation – Methods and tools

16.   History of pharmacologic Pain therapy

17.   Non-pharmacologic pain therapy



18.   Pain Research. Pain papers presentation and discussion

Patient with Pain. Clinical cases presentation and interactive discussion.


Programs where the course is taught: