Translational Research Methodologies
Initiation of the students in the practice of basic and translational research in biomedicine. Execution of experimental techniques, evaluation of data and compilation of experiences with scientific rigor.
Acquisition of skills in scientific communication and planning of a scientific research Project.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Jacinta Serpa
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
The bibliography will be available along the UC and students will be directed to carry out literature.
Teaching method
LECTURES-Theoretical approach to the subjects listed in the "curriculum" of CU;
PRACTICAL LECTURES- presentation of works developed by students in the UC, and
PRACTICAL CLASSES- development of experimental work, whenever possible, students will contact with professionals who are active on issues that are addressed in UC.
Evaluation method
Evaluation Criteria
-Students are obliged to attend 2/3 of practical classes and obtain a minimum final grade of 9.5.
Methods of assessment
a) Abstract writing of a scientific article (30%)
b) Presentation and Discussion of papers (30%)
c) Presentation and discussion of the final work (Project proposal; 40%)
Subject matter
Paradigm of Science and Scientific Method
Models in vitro and in vivo as tools of research in biomedicine
Translational research
Presentation and critique of scientific articles
Planning a research project
Presentation of a project proposal