Clinical Echocardiography
To teach the advantages of the integration of echocardiographic data in clinical cardiology: better diagnosis, understanding of the pathophysiology, risk stratification, treatment and prognosis.
Learning outcomes:
In the end, students must be able to:
1. Know the different types of echocardiographic studies, understanding its advantages/limitations and its indications, being able to make a critical analysis of the appropriatness of the requests.
2. Interpret the reports and the morphological and functional data provided by echocardiography, in order to integrate them with the clinical data with the aim of improving outcomes.
3. Perform "clinical echocardiography": to use the results of echocardiography in the clinical arena ("this machine has no brain, please use yours")
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof. Doutor Nuno Cardim
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
-Recomendações e Guidelines da ESC (European Society of Cardiology) (
-Recomendações e consensos da EACVI (European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging) e ASE (American Society of Echocardiography (
-Ecocardiografia transtorácica (coordenador: Nuno Cardim, Lidel 2010)
-Ecocardiografia- o estado da arte (coordenador: Nuno cardim, Lidel 2012)
-The EACVI textbook of echocardiography, 2nd edition Oxford 2016
-Ecocardiografia transtoracica-Nuno Cardim, Lidel 2010
-Ecocardiografia avançada-Nuno Cardim, Lidel 2012
-The Echo manual, J. Oh., 3rd edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
-Textbook of Clinical Echocardiography, Otto C, 4th ed.Saunders-Elsevier
Teaching method
Timetable: 1 lesson per week, every thursday, 90 minutes duration, from 2h pm to 15h30 min pm
Theoretical-practical lessons: theorehical exposition with echocardiographic images + interactive period of discussion of case reports and debate;
Visits to the echocardiography laboratory of Hospital da Luz and/or Corclinica - centro de diagnóstico cardiológico.
Before each lesson students should:
1. Review the learning objectives of each lesson.
2. Prepare the topic before the lesson.
3. Apply in the discussion/debate the knowledge acquired.
Evaluation method
-Attendance: presence in =75% of the lessons: 20%
-Active participation in lessons and visit to echo labs: 20%
-Final theoretical examination: 60%
Subject matter
The patient with:
1-Myocardial diseases
Assessment of left and right ventricular function
Cardiomyopathies (dilated, hypertrophic, restrictive, arrhythmogenic, left ventricular non-compaction, stress cardiomyopathy, siderosis)
2-Coronary artery disease
Acute coronary syndromes: acute myocardial infarction and mechanical complications stable coronary artery disease
3-Valvular heart disease
Aortic stenosis and regurgitation
Mitral stenosis and regurgitation; mitral valve prolapse
Tricuspid and pulmonic valve disease
Valvular prothesis
percutaneous Intervention (percutaneous aortic valve, Mitraclip, left atrial appendage closure, ..)
Infective endocarditis
4- Diseases of the aorta
Aneurysms of the thoracic aorta
Acute aortic syndromes
5- Pericardial diseases
Pericardial effusion
Acute pericarditis
Constrictive pericarditis
Pericardial cysts
Congenital absence of pericardium
6-Masses and tumors
7-Grown-up congenital heart disease
8-Pulmonary embolism
9-Pulmonary hypertension
10-Echocardiography in clinical practice: the patient with suspected stable coronary artery disease/ chest pain/ unexplained left ventricular hypertrophy/ heart failure/ atrial fibrillation / ventricular arrhythmia/ syncope/ dyspnea/ stroke