PhD in Political Science

Education objectives

The PhD in Political Science is structured so that at the end of the course, the student demonstrate: (a) understanding of the theoretical issues and analytical traditions of the discipline, enabling the participation in the debates of the discipline, (b) methodological skills both in terms of conceptualization and operationalization of research, and in terms of collection, organization and processing of data, (c) skills in the area of scientific expertise, including through the integration in research projects, (d) capacity to conduct independent research leading to a doctoral thesis, by presenting original and innovative results that contribute to the advancement of knowledge, (e) ability to communicate and debate scientific procedures and research results , including through the presentation of papers and articles in scientific journals and (f) ability to meet the challenges of the contemporary world.

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs

A Doctorate is a final qualification.

This study programme is recognized for career progression purposes of recruitment for teachers of group 200, 400 and 410, as provided in the Statute of Teaching Career


Catherine Moury

Opening date

September 2019




More information provided in the Call for Applications, available on


(to be available at

Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Length: 8 semesters. Total credits: 240 credits (60 from curricular units + 180 credits from the non teaching component). Non teaching component modalities: Thesis. Number of credits for free option scheme: 10 credits. The free seminar option can be chosen among curricular units from the postgraduate training offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH/NOVA), in other units of NOVA University of Lisbon, or other institutions of national Higher Education or foreign, by agreement or protocol.
The degree of “doutor” corresponds to the level 8 of the NQF and EQF-National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.

Conditions of admittance

To be admitted to a doctoral programme of studies, the candidate should satisfy the conditions set forth in Portuguese legislation and in the normative conditions of UNL as well as fulfil at least one of the following requirements: a) Have a Masters degree, or a legal equivalent; b) Have a first cycle degree (‘licenciatura’) and a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum which is recognised by the Academic Board of FCSH/NOVA as testifying to the candidate’s ability to undertake this cycle of studies; c) Possess an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognised by the Academic Board of FCSH/NOVA as testifying to the candidate’s ability to undertake this cycle of studies.

Evaluation rules

The study course leading to the doctoral degree includes the completion of a doctoral program that consists of curricular unit aimed at training for research; the realization of an original thesis, designed especially for this purpose, appropriate to the branch of knowledge or expertise. The seminar curricular units type are classified on a scale of 0-20. The final classification of the PhD course is expressed by approved or not approved formulas. In case of approval, the final classification of the PhD course is expressed in the range 10-20 on a scale of 0-20, doing the arithmetic average of the marks in which the curricular units with 10 ECTS. The final classification of the thesis is expressed by formulas approved or refused by justified nominal vote with no abstentions.