Seminar on Communication Theories - 2nd semester
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Lucília Marcos
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Ricoeur , P. Soi-même comme un autre , 425 pp., (Paris: Seuil),1990
Ricoeur, P. Parcours de la reconnaissance, 431 pp, (Paris: Stock), 2004.
Laitinen, A. Charles Taylor and Paul Ricoeur on Self-Interpretations and Narrative Identity. Narrative Research. Voices of Teachers and Philosophers, Huttuen, R. et al (eds). Jyväskylä: SoPhi 67, 57-71, 2002.
Marcos, M. L. et. al., Emmanuel Levinas: Entre Reconhecimento e Hospitalidade (Lisboa: Edições 70), 341 pp., 2011a.
Marcos, M. L. and Reis Monteiro, A. Reconhecimento do Desejo ao Direito. (Lisboa: Edições Colibri), 183 pp., 2008a .
Honneth, A. Kampf um Anerkennnung (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp) 341 pp. [Portuguese translation: A luta pelo reconhecimento (Lisboa: Edições 70, 2011), 1992.
Taylor, C. Multiculturalism. Examining the Politics of Recognition (Princeton: Princeton University Press), 175 pp., 1994.
Teaching method
Formative action articulated with the epistemological, theoretical and methodological framing, paying attention to the acquisition and application of knowledge and the understanding of concepts, as well as to the ability to reasoning and conveying ideas. Theoretical-practical (60-40%): Seminar method (lecturing, reading and commenting).
Evaluation method
1) Participation in sessions
2) Suggested readings
3) Oral presentation in the seminary
4) Written paper
Subject matter