Specialized Seminar in Adult Education and Training


a) Development of skills for systematic understanding of the issues and problems of Adult Education
and Training
b) To know and understand the main theoretical perspectives and the central concepts in the field of
Adult Education and Training
c) Development of critical reflection skills on formal and non-formal education and training strategies
d) Development of abilities to analyse problematic situations related to school and non-school
educational contexts
e) Acquisition of skills in the field of Research in Education that allow the accomplishment of research
works that merit national and international dissemination
f) Development of skills in communication with peers, the academic community and society in general.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





ÁVILA, P. (2008). A Literacia dos Adultos: Competências-chave na Sociedade do Conhecimento. Lisboa: Celta.
ALVES, M. G. (2010). Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida e Políticas Educativas Europeia. Caparica: UIED - FCT/UNL.
CANÁRIO, R. (1999). Educação de Adultos: um campo, uma problemática. Lisboa: Educa.
CANÁRIO, R., & CABRITO, B. (2008). Educação e Formação de Adultos: mutações e convergências. Lisboa: Educa.
EDWARDS, R., BIESTA, G., & THORPE, M. (2009). Rethinking contexts for learning and tecahing: communities, activities and networks. London and New York: Routledge.
FERNÁNDEZ, F. S. (2006). As raízes históricas dos modelos actuais de educação de pessoas adultas. Lisboa: Educa.
ILERIS, K. (2009). Contemporary Theories of Learning. London and New York: Routledge.
JARVIS, P. (2009). Learning to be a person in society. London and New York: Routledge.

Teaching method

It is made use of diverse teaching methodologies that should combine oral presentation of relevant issues in the field under study, dialogue and argumentation around scientific themes and the research and analysis of information relevant for the understanding of issues and problems in the field of Adult Education and Training. Therefore, doctoral students are early invited to actively participate in classroom sessions through prior preparation of the issues that are the object of debate and collective reflection and/or through individual presentations (oral and written) of research themes.

Evaluation method

The evaluation is continuous and takes into consideration the following elements: (a) presentations and discussions in class; (b) quality of the individual written work (maximum 6000 words) that is delivered at the end of the semester; (c) attendance and participation in the activities.

Subject matter

a) Socio-historical retrospective of Adult Education and Training
b) Theoretical and conceptual perspectives in Adult Education and Training
c) Globalization, the Knowledge Society and Lifelong Learning
d) Lifelong Learning
e) Experiential learning and learning in the context of work
f) Education, Training, Learning and Personal and Social Identities


Programs where the course is taught: