Problemáticas em Estudos Portugueses (not translated) - 1st semester


a) Knowledge and discussion of some practices and formalizations of the approach of literary and non-literary texts.
b) acquisition of the capacity to carry out a work of rigorous research.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Humberto Brito


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Baudelaire, Charles. O Pintor da Vida Moderna. Trad. e posf. de Teresa Cruz. Lisboa: Nova Vega, 2015.
de Man, Paul. O Ponto de Vista da Cegueira [Blindness and Insight, 1971]. Trad. Miguel Tamen. Braga, Coimbra e Lisboa: Angelus Novus & Cotovia, 1999.
Flaubert, Gustave. Três Contos. Trad. de Pedro Tamen. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água,
__________, The Letters of Gustave Flaubert: 1830–1857. Steegmuller (ed.), Harvard: Belknap Press, 1980.
Graham, Paul. A Shimmer of Possibility. Göttingen: Steidl/MACK, 2009.
__________, The Present. Londres: Mack, 2012.
Pessoa, Fernando. Livro do Desassossego. Bernardo Soares. Richard Zenith (ed.) Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 1998.
__________, Poemas Completos de Alberto Caeiro. Fernando Cabral Martins e Richard Zenith (eds.) Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2009.

Teaching method

Through theoretical exposition and textual analysis this seminar will discuss conceptual, historical and rethorical questions concerning the texts and topics to be discussed in class. The students will be encouraged to elaborate on their views on such texts and topics, and they will be required to make one presentation in class.

Evaluation method

70% for a final essay [4500-6000 words]; 30% for a presentation in class.

Subject matter


Programs where the course is taught: