Seminário de Especialidade em Lógica e Filosofia da Linguagem (not translated)
a) Foment the capacity of analysis and rigour of reasoning in the critical examination of theses, arguments and debates on the problems of logic and philosophy of language.
b) Gain the capacity of discovering new ways of analyzing a problem and rigorously grounding the arguments advanced.
c) Develop the capacity of dialogue and communication in the debate of ideas with all the participants in the Seminar.
d) Participate actively in the more relevant discussions that occupy the publications, workshops and conferences, be they national or international, with new ideas and personal arguments.
e) Develop and materialize new initiatives, both within academia and society, which aim at promoting the interest and exigency of rigour and clarity in thinking and argumentation.
f) Establish with each participant in the Seminar innovative research projects according to the themes and authors to be dealt with in their theses.
g) Collaborate with and supervise the participants in the study program, readings and researches, so that they know well the state of the art or the status quaestionis more related to the respective working papers and research projects.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable.
* Ayer, A. J., «Language, Truth and Logic», Penguin Books, 1975
* Kripke, Saul A., «Naming and Necessity», Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1980
* Linsky, Leonard, «Names and Descriptions», The University of Chicago Press, 1977
* Quine, W.V.O., «Word and Object», MIT Press, Cambridge, 1960
* Russell, Bertrand, Descriptions, em «Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy», George Allen & Unwin, London, 1975
Teaching method
Lectures; analysis and discussion of texts.
In class teaching
Evaluation method
The student can choose among the following possibilities: a) one or two oral reports, with prior information concerning the topic [weighting factor: 20%, each] + a written test; or, b) a paper [weighting factor: 40%] + a written test; or, c) only a written test.
Subject matter
Applying the analytic method, the course will focus on the material structure of language through which its referential function is expressed. In this ambit, the following topics will be inquired:
* Russell: proper names;
* Quine: the objectual variable;
* Kripke: rigid designators.