Seminário de Especialidade em História da Arte Medieval (not translated)
To recognize the relevance of Romanesque art in the cultural (artistic, philosophical, religious), political, economical and social context of the 11th to 13th centuries;
To understand the mental context of Romanesque symbolism, closely entwined to the feudal society of the 3 Orders, to the cult of the Saints and of relics;
To approach, in a critical and comprehensive way, the Portuguese Romanesque and Early Gothic , from the trans-Pyrenean models to its own singularities;
To critically assay the subjects essential bibliography, including some of the most recent scientific contributions, at a national and international level;
To approach some of the most recent contributions in history of art, including subjects as architectural burial structures, shaping of space, light and colour.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
- ALMEIDA, C.A.F., Hist. Arte em Portugal. 1 O Românico, Lisboa: Presença, 2001
- DAVY, Marie-Madeleine, Initiation a la symbolique romane (XIIe siècle), Paris: Flammarion, 1977
- GRAF, Gerhard, Portugal Roman, Yonne: Zodiaque (2 vols), 1986-87
- MONTEIRO, Manuel, Dispersos, Braga: ASPA, 1980
- REAL, Manuel, O Românico Condal em S. Pedro de Rates e as transformações beneditinas do séc. XII, Póvoa de Varzim: CMPV, 1982
- REAL, Manuel, A Igreja de S. Pedro de Ferreira. Um invulgar exemplo de convergência artística, Paços de Ferreira: CMPF, 1986
- RODRIGUES, Jorge, O Mundo Românico, Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2007
- RODRIGUES, Jorge, Os hospitalários, o prior Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira e a igreja-panteão da Flor da Rosa, in Castelos das Ordens Militares, Lisboa: DGPC, vol. II, 2013, pp. 331-370
- RODRIGUES, Jorge, Panteões, estruturas funerárias e espaços religiosos associados da Rota do Românico (sécs. XII-XIV), Lousada: Centro de Estudos do Românico e do Território
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical classes including presentation of photographic slides, maps, plans, elevations, diagrams and other graphic materials related to the artistic subject presented.
Evaluation method
Subject matter
1 The rural/ closed world: the 3 orders and the feudality imagined;
2 Monasticism and contemplative theology:
3 Pilgrimage routes and Romanesque art:
4 Romanesque and Early Gothic art, the cult of the dead and of the Saints:
4.1 The Saints as living beings: the cult of the relics and the spaces devoted to memory and example;
4.2 From the city of the dead to the worship spaces: galilees, pantheons and other privileged burial structures;
5 Romanesque and Early Gothic art in Portugal:
5.1 - Architecture: case studies and the questions of space, light and colour;
5.2 Ornamental, figurative and symbolic sculpture and its rapport to liturgy and architecture;
5.3 A brief overview of miniature painting and goldsmithing.