Archaeology - 2nd semester


a) Develop theoretical and methodological knowledge regarding advanced research in archeology at national and international levels;
b) Writing a scientific text with the potential to be proposed to peer-reviewed publications;
c) Develop presentation oral skills and ability to defend his/her work;
d) Develop a circumscribed and original research in Archeology.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

André Teixeira


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Determinada especificamente de acordo com as áreas de investigação dos doutorandos.

Specifically determined according to the research areas of PhD students.

Teaching method

• Theoretical classes supported by audiovisuals;
• Workshop discussion;
• Tutorial direction of evaluation elements.

Evaluation method

Each student will be assessed through their participation in the seminar sessions (30%) and an oral and written work (minimum of 3500 characters and the maximum of 4500 characters, excluding bibliography and appendices) which should make a state of art of a theme or themes to be developed in the thesis (70%).

Subject matter

1. Main recent problematic and research lines in Archaeology;
2. Reflection on the state of the art in fields related to research that will be undertake by students;
3. Methodological innovations and their consequences in the construction of the past;
4. Archeology and other sciences, a potential for develop advanced research.


Programs where the course is taught: