Seminário de Especialidade em Linguística Portuguesa (not translated)
a) Updating and deepening the knowledge in the area of specialization.
b) Mastering of the most recent literature in the area of specialization.
c) Development of critical sense and ability to evaluate the proposals that are related to the area of specialization.
d) Improvement of skills in identifying and formulating relevant questions in the area of specialization.
e) Development of the ability to carry out a research work on a specific topic in the area of specialization.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 2
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Caetano, M. C. (2003). A formação de palavras em gramáticas históricas do português. Análise de algumas correlações sufixais. Universidade Nova de Lisboa [Disponível em].
Campos, H.C.C (1997). Tempo, Aspeto e Modalidade. Estudos de Linguística Portuguesa. Porto: Porto Editora.
Costa, J. (ed.) (2000). Portuguese Syntax. New Comparative Studies. Oxford: OUP.
Martins, A. M. & Carrilho, E. (eds.) (2016). Manual de Linguística Portuguesa. De Gruyter.
Mateus, M.H.M. & dAndrade, E. (2000). The Phonology of Portuguese. Oxford: OUP.
Rio-Torto, G. et al. (2013). Gramática derivacional do português. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Wetzels, L., Menuzzi, S. & Costa, J. (eds.). (2016). The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Teaching method
Teaching will follow a seminar format, combining lectures with oral presentations by the students.
The proposed topics for study and discussion are scheduled at the beginning of each semester and previously prepared subsequent to readings of the recommended bibliography.
In tutorials, students will have a regular, one-to-one supervision.
Evaluation method
Evaluation: Active and relevant participation of students in class, with significant contribution to the topic of discussion for the seminar session (40%), and a final written assignment leading to a paper draft (60%).
Subject matter
1. Phonology
1.1. Prosody in Portuguese varieties: description of the prosodic constituents;
1.2. Word stress in Portuguese (EP and BP): analyses and perspectives;
2. Morphology
2.1 Affixation: affix combinations and restrictions;
2.2 Morphological Productivity: diachronic variation in productivity of Portuguese derivational suffixes;
3. Syntax
3.1 Clitics Pronouns: morphophonological, distributional and interpretative properties;
3.2 Infinitive structures: complement clauses and the distribution of inflected infinitives;
4. Semantics
4.1 Nominal determination, strategies of quantification, temporality and aspectuality markers case studies;
4.2 Modality and modalization processes: modal markers in Portuguese.
N.B. The syllabus will be updated depending on the profile of the candidates and in progress research.