Final Paper in Linguistics - 2nd semester
Within this CU, we expect students to:
a) identify a relevant and original research topic, which may contribute to the advance of knowledge in Linguistics/ in a particular area of specialisation;
b) Sustain the proposal through the critical review of relevant and updated bibliography;
c) Conceive the research project to be developed, specifying the research questions, settling methodological choices and establishing appropriate deadlines;
d) Master academic writing norms;
e) Sustain autonomously the Thesis Project, providing relevant arguments in the context of the Thesis Project Public Discussion.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Sousa Lobo Gonçalves
Weekly - -
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bibliografia específica será indicada pelo/a tutor/a de cada estudante, em função do tema do Trabalho Final.
Each students tutor, according to the Thesis Project topic, will recommend specific bibliography.
Teaching method
Tutorial supervision.
Evaluation method
The Thesis Project is evaluated within a public discussion by a jury specifically appointed for this purpose.
Subject matter
Syllabus is defined in each academic year, according to each student´s research project, and is organized by students tutors.