Issues in Geography and Territorial Planning - 1st semester


a) To know, analyse and construe the evolution of geographical thought, space perception and its representations.
b) To reflect on the new paradigms of the Geographical Science
c) To analyse and foresee the specificities of the geographical thought on the world post-Globalisation
d) To establish and acknowledge the areas of interception between Geography and Territorial Planning and the several related scientific domains, according to an increasing interdisciplinary logic
e) To evaluate, both scientifically and technically, the geographical thought relevance towards the contemporary society issues

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Maria Firmino


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Clarck, G.L. et al. (eds) (2001). The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dauphiné, A. (2003). Les théories de la complexité chez les géographes, Economica / Antrophos.

Healey, P. (2007). Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies. London: Routledge.

Marsh, W.M., Grossa, J. (2005). Environmental Geography: Science, Land Use, and Earth. Systems (3rd.ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley.

Merlin, P. (2002). L´ Aménagement du Territoire, Paris, PUF.

Teaching method

Expositive and participative classes

Evaluation method

Reading of thematic texts.
A scientific paper, resulting from autonomous work [80% evaluation]
Oral presentation about a topic related with the program [20% evaluation]

Subject matter

1) Causes and solutions of the current environmental problems, according to dynamic and integrated models that allow the understanding of the connections between natural and anthropic factors
2) Systemic approach at different spatial and time scales
3) Planning processes and territorial dynamics
4) Urban Policies, mobility and transports
5) Globalisation and geographical concentration
6) Population, poverty and sustainability
7) The geographical dimensions of the complexity theory and models.


Programs where the course is taught: