Seminário de Especialidade em Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território (not translated) - 2nd semester


a) To deepen the current landscape of planning theory;
b) To discuss the contemporary problems of spatial planning;
c) To interpret territorial conflicts inherent in the struggle for territory;
d) To assess urban policies in the enlarged city;
e) To discuss the implementation of the concept of territorial cohesion in different contexts;
f) To deepen the concept of multi-level governance and the challenges to its operation;
g) To evaluate territorial public policies in the design, results and impacts;
h) To design a critical thinking about spatial planning and its tools.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Margarida Pereira


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Allmendinger, P. (2009). Planning Theory. Hampshire: PalgraveMacmillan.

Ansell, C. & Gash, A. (2008). Collaborative governance in theory and practice, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18 (4), 543-571.

Dijk, M.P. van (2006). Managing cities in developing countries. London: Elgar.

Farinós, J. (2009). Bases, métodos e instrumentos para el desarrollo y la cohesión territoriales.
Diagnóstico y propuestas para el debate y la acción. In J. Farinós et all. (coords). Cohesión e inteligencia territorial. Valencia: IIDL/PUV,17-62.

Friedman, G. (2010). The Next 100 Years: a forecast for the 21st Century. New York: Anchor Books.

Retaillé, D. (2011). Introduction à une géographie des conflits. L’information Géograhique, 75, 6-22.

Rhodes, R. A. W. (1997). Understanding Governance. Buckingham:Open University.

Torre, A. & Wallett, F. (eds) (2014). Regional Development and Proximity Relations. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Teaching method

- expository
- participatory
- tutorial
- field work.

Evaluation method

The evaluation elements and their weight in the final grade are introduced to the students at the first lecture:
i) Critical review of 3 scientific papers [30%];
ii) Research work supported by field work, literature and documentary information resulting from autonomous research [50%];
iii) Attendance (minimum of 60% of classes) and effective participation in classes [20%].

Subject matter

1) Planning theory: different approaches
2) Complex problems in territorial planning: formulation and management
3) Stakeholders, interests and territorial conflicts
4) Urban policies in the enlarged city
5) Urban systems and territorial cohesion
6) The government and the multi-level governance of territories
7) Evaluation territorial public policy.

In the first class the students are asked about their research projects, and the contents are subject to adjustments depending on these interests.


Programs where the course is taught: