Etics, Public Policies and Environmental Diplomacy
General characterization
Responsible teacher
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Teaching language
ARENDT,Hannah, The Human Condition- A Study of the Central Dilemmas Facing Modern Man, New York, Doubleday Anchor Books, l958.
-----------Truth and Politics, Between Past and Future. Eight Exercises in Political Thought, New York, Penguin Books USA Inc., [1961] 1993, pp.
BACON, F. , The New Organon [1620] , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
----------- New Atlantis and The Great Instauration, Jerry Weinberger (ed.), Arlington Heights, Illinois, Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1989, pp. 35-83.
MORE, Thomas, Utopia [1516],London, Everymans Library, 1988.
KUHN, Thomas S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions [1962], 2nd edition, The Univ. of Chicago Press, Vol. 2, Number 2, 1970, 210 pp.
LYOYARD, Jean-François, La Condition Postmoderne, Paris, Minuit, 1979, 108 pp.
SOROMENHO-MARQUES, V., Metamorfoses. Entre o Colapso e o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, M.Martins, Europa-América, 2005.
WHITE JR, Lynn, The historical roots of our ecologic crisis, Science, vol. 155, 1967.
Teaching method
Theoretical explanations about the syllabus items by the professor (lectures).
Compulsory readings of the main texts by students on a regular basis.
In each class there is a time for open, although organized, discussion about the different issues dealt.
Evaluation method
The complete evaluation combines the students performance during the classes development with a final essay written by the student. The content of the essay is discussed with the teacher, before and after its writing by the student.
Subject matter
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