Seminar about Energy and Climate Change


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 2

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





- “Sustainable Energy - Choosing Among Options”, Tester, J. W., Drake, E. M., Golay, M. W., Driscoll, M. J. and Peters, A. - 2005,Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005. ISBN: 0262201534
- “Renewable Energy”, Godfrey Boyle-2004, Oxford University Press, USA; 2 edition (2004). ISBN-10: 0199261784
- “Energy Efficiency: Principles and Practices”, Penni McLean-Conner-2009,PennWell Corp. (2009) ISBN-10: 1593701780
- World Energy Outlook annual reports, International Energy Agency
- Selected Technological roadmaps, developed by International Energy Agency
- IPCC, 2011: IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. Prepared by Working Group III of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth, P. Matschoss, S. Kadner, T. Zwickel, P.
Eickemeier, G. Hansen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow (eds)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 1075 pp.

Teaching method

The unit (UC) is based on a set of presentation sessions on the various topics, also including an extended slot for discussion.
The UC dedicated to renewable energy resources and technologies have the additional support from specialists, particularly those relating to biofuels and solar energy, which allows students to emerge with some depth on their topics.
One session is devoted to a workshop on the relation between energy and climate change, in which students are required to read and analyze previously a scientific article that illustrates the essence of the goals of UC (van Vuuren et al (2012) An energy vision: the transformation towards sustainability — interconnected challenges and solutions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2012, 4:18–34).

Evaluation method

Subject matter


Programs where the course is taught: