Asian Ethnographic Contexts
. Historical and anthropological knowledge concerning the migratory processes developed by populations originatng in the Indian sub-continent; . Ability to reflect on transformational processes (cultural, religious, political, etc.) within Indian diasporas, linking structural perspectives with perspectives focused on subject agency; . Ability to reconsider theoretical perspectives stemming from an anthropology based on the Indian sub-continent within a multi-sitituational perspective.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Baas, M., A.K. Sahoo & T. Faist (eds.), 2012. Indian Diaspora and Transnationalism. New Delhi: Rawat Publications. Gregory, R. G., 1993. South Asians in East Africa. An Economic and Social History 1890-1980. Boulder: Westview Press. Lal, B. V., P. Reeves & R. Rai (eds.), 2006. The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora. Singapure: Ed. Didier Millet. Jacobsen, K. & P. Kumar (eds.), 2004. South Asians in the Diaspora, Histoires and Religious Traditions. Leiden: Brill. Mawani, S. & A. Mukadam, 2012. Gujarati Communities across the Globe, Memory, Identity and Continuity. London: IOE Press. Palriwala, R. & P. Uberoi, 2008. Marriage, Migration, and Gender. London: Sage Publishing. Salvadori, C., 1996. We Came in Dhows. Nairobi: Paperchase Kenya. Vertovec, S., 2000. The Hindu Diaspora. Comparative Patterns. London: Routledge.
Teaching method
Classes consist of a presentation of the key ideas of each module by the teacher; an interactive component with students (through questions and other interactive strategies), and a part involving debate on specific topics.
Evaluation method
Assessment consists of a written test and the carrying out small exercises for discussion in class. In the written assessment, students can opt for an assignment (literature review, or empirical study) or a test. Supervision of the assignments proposed by the students, whether individually or in small groups, takes place outside the classes.
Subject matter
I. Reconsidering Indian societies Caste system and hierarchy, dominance and ritual centrality Colonialism and its effects: the development of nationalism Plural identities II. Indian diasporas Stages and types of migrations (1820 present-day) Reunion: a reinterpretation of Tamil Hinduism in tension with Brahamic Hinduism of Martinique and Guadalupe: minority familial Hinduisms. Trinidad and Tobago, Guinea and Surinam: ethnic and political reinterpretations of Hinduism Reconstructed Hinduisms in colonial British East Africa and Mozambique: a comparative analysis Indian migrations to Europe: reconstructed Hinduisms in the United Kingdom and in Portugal