Ethnoecology - 2nd semester


1. Develop knowledge of Ethnoecology while interdisciplinary discipline that allows to understand the cultural appropriation of ecological
2. Promote the theoretical tools of Ethnoecology in relation to theoretical frameworks of Anthropology
3. Increasing the capabilities of conceptual work in Ethnoecology research.
4. Develop the ability to recognize and integrate knowledge about the ecological reality in order to identify their social and cultural complexities
5. Learn Ethnoecology’s specific methodologies
7.Develop analysis, systematization and critical skills.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Amélia Frazão Moreira


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





ALVES, A.; SOUTO, F. & PERONI, N. (orgs.), 2010, Etnoecologia em perspectiva: natureza, cultura e conservação, Recife: NUPEEA.
ELLEN, Roy e FUKUI, K. (eds.), 1996, Redefining Nature. Ecology, Culture and Domestication, Oxford, BERG.
HAENN, Nora & WILK, Richard (eds.), 2006, The Environment in Anthropology. A Reader in Ecology, Culture, and Sustainable Living, New York:
New York University Press.
NAZAREA, Virginia (ed.), 1999, Ethnoecology, Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
TOLEDO, Vitor, 2002, “‘Ethnoecology: a conceptual framework for the study of indigenous knowledge of nature” in STEPP, J.; WYNDHAM, E. &
ZARGER, R. (eds.) Ethnobiology and Biocultural Diversity, USA: University of Georgia Press, 511-522.

Teaching method

Lectures and practical classes: teaching methodology that seek to combine the exposition and discussion of theoretical concepts with practical
analytical work based on case studies.

Evaluation method

Evaluation: Class attendance (15%); Presentation and discussion of a case-study (25%); Written test (20%); Final paper (40%).

Subject matter

1. Historical context of Ethnoecology. Ecological approaches in ethnographic classic studies. Ecological Anthropology. The Ethnoecology as a
discipline: from Conklin of Toledo.
2 Social differentiation in resources access. Gender, biodiversity and natural resources management. Political ecology, power and cultural
3. Ethnoecological knowledge as \"situated\" knowledge. Debates about ethnobiological classifications and \"traditional ecological knowledge\".
4. Cultural perspectives on abiotic elements. Cosmologies and social practices: soil and climate.
5. Plants, animals and men. Systematic analysis of the interactions between humans and nonhumans. Social practices, conflicts and
representations of nature.
6. Methodological tools of Ethnoecology. Cultural domains and consensus analysis. Etnobiological techniques of research. Application of
ecological methodological procedures: plots, transects and diversity indices.


Programs where the course is taught: