Christian Medieval Archaeology - 1st semester
1) To known peninsular archaeological remains dated to the 8th to 13th centuries. The aim is to study the territorial organization, settlements and artifacts through archaeological remains and written documents.
2) To acquire knowledge on artifacts and site changes through the 8th to the 13th centuries.
3) To study urban changes during the medieval period and the evolution in defensive strategies and sites.
4) To study Christian religious buildings and funerary practices.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Catarina Tente
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
-Arqueología y Territorio Medieval (Revista da Universidad de Jaén), Jaén, Universidad de Jaén, vários volumes.
-BONNASSIE, P.; GUICHARD, P.; GERBET, M. (2001) Las Españas Medievales, Barcelona, Crítica.
-BARROCA, M. J. FERNANDES, I. (2005) - Muçulmanos e cristãos entre o Tejo e o Douro (séculos VIII a XIII), Palmela, Câmara Municipal de Palmela e Universidade do Porto.
-BOÜARD, Michel de (1977) - Manual de Arqueología Medieval. De la prospección a la historia. Barcelona: Editorial Teide.
-QUIRÒS CASTILLO, J. A., Ed. (2010) - The archaeology of Early medieval villages in Europe. Vitória: UPV.
Teaching method
Theoretical classes supported by audiovisuals. Practical classes on the analysis of relevant papers and archaeological sources. Visits to museums and archaeological excavations.
Evaluation method
Three moments of evaluation moments: an individual test (50%); a presentation in the class of a group work (three students) (40%); and the participation in practical classes (10%). Grades equal or higher than 10 over 20 are approved.
Subject matter
1. Portuguese medieval archaeological research in its western European context in the last 50 years.
2. The transition from Roman to Medieval period.
3. The archaeology of Christian religious buildings and funerary practices.
4. Medieval urban archaeology.
5. Defensive sites
6. Organization and evolution on the rural territories.
7. Medieval artifacts: pottery, metals, wooden objects, and building techniques.