History of Religion in Antiquity - 2nd semester
1) Understand the connection between the time and space dimensions of the Oriental Ancient History and know how to analyze it both in a diachronic and synchronic perspective;
2) Learn the main and more recent historical interpretations about the Oriental Ancient History;
3) Identify and understand the main historical documents of the Oriental Ancient Civilizations;
4) Reveal a critical consciousness on how the religious phenomena and processes from nowadays connect and find their roots in the past;
5) Develop oral and written abilities to expose the different historical problems related to the History of Ancient Religions, using the correct concepts;
6) Learn the right know-how about the History of Ancient Religions, allowing a future specialization in the field.
7) Understand the particularities of the religious language.
8) Learn the different sides of the religious phenomena in Ancient History.
9) Understand the importance of the religious phenomena to the idiosyncrasy of the Ancien
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Docente a definir
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
BOTTÉRO, Jean; KRAMER, Samuel Noah, Lorsque les dieux faisent lhomme. Mythologie mésopotamienne, Paris, Éditions Gallimard, 1993.
CARAMELO, Francisco, A Linguagem Profética na Mesopotâmia (Mari e Assíria), Lisboa, Patrimonia, 2002.
LÓPEZ, Jesús e SANMARTÍN, Joaquín, Mitología y Religión del Oriente Antiguo I Egipto - Mesopotamia, Sabadell, Editorial Ausa, 1993.
MANDER, P. e DURAND, J.-M., Mitología y religión del oriente antiguo II/1: Semitas occidentales (Ebla, Mari), Sabadell, Editorial Ausa, 1995.
SAGGS, H.W.F., The encounter with the divine in Mesopotamia and Israel, London, University of London - The Athlone Press, 1978.
Teaching method
a) Theorical classes, where the content is exposed;
b) Didactical support, projecting images, maps, texts and schemes;
c) Practical exercises, analyzing texts and iconographic documents.
Inclass teaching
Evaluation method
Two written elements: one test and one individual paperwork. The final grade will be the average of the two elements, which have a preponderance of 50% each.
Subject matter
Theoretical approach on the Ancient Religions.
Unity and Diversity on Religion.
The religious universe.
The local and wider theologies: dialectic and syncretism.
The cosmogonies: similarities and differences
The records about the Creation of Man and the different theological traditions.
The religious anthropology
The mans freedom and its restraints.
The official cult: the political and social dimensions of religion
The personal religion: cult, uses and beliefs
The magic: intervention areas and rituals
The divination: intervention areas and techniques
The prophecy: different prophets and different ways of prophetic communication
The prophetic language