Theory and History of Archaeology - 1st semester
- Understand and master the basic concepts of work,
- Understand the processes of the basic methodologies of the discipline,
- To know the main theoretical currents developed during the growth of the archaeological practice,
- To know the main historical events, national and international, that formed the archaeological discipline,
- Develop skills in the creation of theoretical frameworks for the analysis of sites, contexts and archaeological materials,
- Frame the current trends of archaeological research with current theories,
- To know how to apply the knowledge in practical cases.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Tania Manuel Casimiro
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
ARNAUD, J. (coord.). (2002). «Arqueologia 2000 Balanço de um Século de Investigação Arqueológica em Portugal». Arqueologia e História, Vol.54. Lisboa : AAP.
BICHO, N. F. (2006). Manual de Arqueologia Pré-Histórica. Lisboa: Edições 70.
FABIÃO, Carlos (2011). Uma História da Arqueologia Portuguesa, das origens à descoberta da arte do Côa, Lisboa, CTT Correios de Portugal.
HODDER, Ian (1995). Theory and Practice in Archaeology. New York: Routledge.
HODDER, Ian (1998). Interpretación en arqueologia: corrientes actuales. Barcelona: Crítica.
JONHSON, M. (2010). Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. 2ª Ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
PRAETZELLIS, Adrian (2011) Death by theory: a tale of mystery and archaeological theory. Rowman Altamira.
RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P. (2016). Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice. 6ª Edição, Londres: Thames & Hudson.
TRIGGER, Bruce (1989). A History of Archaeological Thought. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press (2nd Edition: 2006).
Teaching method
Classroom teaching, through theoretical classes accompanied by audiovisual information, and practical classes of case study analysis and theory application to real contexts. Analysis of key texts and paradigmatic research projects. Discussion of themes under the frame of the problems of current archaeological research. Simulation of the application of the various theoretical currents to different case studies. Study visits and attendance of conferences relevant to the topic of study.
Evaluation method
1) Written examination (50%)
2) Text Presentation and Discussion (50%)
(100% = 20 points)
Subject matter
1. Introduction to Theory in Archaeology
2. The classics, collectionism and cabinets of curiosities
3. Colonialism and Imperial Archeology
4. Archaeology as a science
5. The «New» Archaeology
6. Interpretativism and social issues in Archaeology
7. Gender, Power and Indigenous Archaeology
8. Public Archeology and working with communities
9. Archaeology Today: trends