Economics - 1st and 2nd semester


The student is required to:
a. Analyse and understand the rationality of economic agents (firms/consumers/State);
b. Analyse and understand complex macroeconomic concepts: GDP, inflation, unemployment, public balance and the balance of payments;
c. Develop a critical perspective on current economic debates in Portugal and the EU.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Oliveira Martins


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





ACEMOGLU, D., LAIBSON, D. e LIST, J.A. (2016), Economics – Global Edition, Pearson.
KRUGMAN, P. e WELLS, R. (2017), Essentials of Economics – 4th ed., Worth Pub.
SAMUELSON, P. e NORDHAUS, W. (2010), Economics - 19th ed., Mc-Graw Hill.
THE ECONOMIST (2003), Guide to Economic Indicators - 5th ed., Profile Books.

Teaching method

Theoretical (60%) and practical (40%) approaches to the concepts and issues to be analysed.
Teaching methods based on lecturing and also on active involvement of students.

Evaluation method

Two individual tests: 1st Test (1/3) + 2nd Test (2/3)

Subject matter

1) Basic concepts (definitions of economics, positive vs normative economics, market, command and mixed economies, supply and demand);
2) Microeconomics (markets of goods and services, price-elasticities, industrial concentration and market structures);
3) Macroeconomics (GDP growth, social cohesion, unemployment, inflation, Phillips curve, public balance);
4) International Economics (determinants of international trade, globalisation, the EU economy).