Theory of Communication - 1st semester


A. Knowing and understanding conceptual categories in an analytical and critical way.
B. Being able to apply previous learning in new situations, using intersubjective and interdisciplinary approaches.
C. Thinking and solving problems with autonomy and argumentative basis, practicing recognition and managing the plurality.
D. Gathering, selecting and interpreting information about events, scientific research, debates on public space and trends of development.
E. Communicating information, ideas and projects at conceptual and practical levels.
F. Developing:
a) Analysis and synthesis abilities;
b) Oral and written communication;
c) Critical reasoning;
d) Autonomous learning;
e) Research ability;
f) Individual work.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Lucília Marcos


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





RODRIGUES; A. Duarte, Teorias da Comunicação, Lisboa, Fund. Gulbenkian,2012;
MARCOS, Maria Lucília, Princípio relacional e paradigma comunicacional, Lisboa, Colibri, 2007;
MARCOS, Maria Lucília, Sujeito e Comunicação, Porto, Campo das Letras, 2001;
PETERS; John D., Speaking into the Air. A History of the Idea of Communication, Chicago, Ch. Press, 1999;
FOUCAULT, Michel, Surveiller et Punir, Paris, Gallimard, 1975.

Teaching method

Lectures (60%)
Reading (previously and/or in class) and texts commenting (40%)

Evaluation method

Two individual papers written in class:
1. The first one based on a book reading (50%)
2. The second one being a test (covering the whole subject matter) (50%)

Subject matter

Part I
Communication as a theoretical problem:
1 - The object “communication” and the “communicational” paradigm
2 - Relational dimension of human experience
A. Logic of relationship
B. Communication and experience
C. Experience of world and language (G. Mead)
D. Verbal and non-verbal (Palo Alto, P. Watzlawick) . The presentation of the self (E. Goffman)
3 – Tradition and modernity. The theorization of communication.
4 – Theoretical approaches

Part II
Questions about the subject
1. Subjectivity and alterity
2 . Autonomy of the subject and public use of rationality
3. Freedom and control

Part III
Questions about technique
1. Tecno-logia
2. Digital webs, interaction and subjectivation

Part IV
Questions about language
1. Inscription of the subject in language
2. Enunciation agencies