Drama and Performance Theories - 1st semester
There is a dramatic dimension in the artistic sphere just as, for example, in the spheres of politics and the media. It is a constituent feature of communication changes in both the public and the private space on a daily basis, as well as in euphoric and dysphoric moments. This representation in everyday life and the respective changes in recent centuries must first be studied using comparisons coming from theatrical anthropology. It is only after such a process that this course will address the evolution of drama into the post- dramatic condition as a genre of aesthetics, as well as the main aspects and drama theories, from Aristotle to the present day.
Students are also expected to use the theoretical component of this course in their practical laboratory work.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Cláudia Guerra Madeira
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Drama e Comunicação (2010), Paulo Filipe Monteiro. Coimbra:Universidade de Coimbra.
Representation (second edition, 2013), ed. Stuart Hall, Jessica Evans and Sean Nixon. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore,Washington DC: SAGE.
Hamlet, Shakespeare
Rei Édipo , Sófocles
Teaching method
The theory behind the issues being explored on the course will be presented by the teacher and complemented by students theoretical and practical work, for both the lectures and the laboratory.
The program will also include lectures and workshops by guest teachers, and audiovisual support classes for the execution of the laboratory work.
In class teaching
Evaluation method
The evaluation will be based on:
1. A written test (with possible consultation) or research work on subjects related to the subjects given in class (50%). In the latter case, projects will only be accepted through application. The fifteen best projects will be selected and can then proceed with:
- A 10 minute oral presentation in class;
- A written text of up to 10 pages (22 000 characters without spaces);
2. A group assignment presenting an innovative theoretical-practical example of a subject which is part of the course curriculum (10%)
3. A practical group assignment integrated in the Drama and communication laboratory (whose thematic content changes in each year and influences the contents of the subject) (40 %).
Subject matter
1. The dramatic dimension of all communication: representation in everyday public and private life. The spectacle in politics.
2. Theatrical anthropology: from ritual to the theater?
3. From drama to post-dramatic condition.
4. Drama and Communication Laboratory - practical lessons.
Programs where the course is taught: