Spanish Language B2.1 - 1st semester
Achieve skills compatible with part of level B2 of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
1. Understand the information, opinions and subjective evaluations in different texts, and recognize some implicit information in the message: hints, humor and irony.
2. Provide detailed information; Express and defend its own opinions on different conversation topics.
3. Write texts with some degree of complexity (formal letters, short reports, essays) on personal, professional and academic subjects.
4. Acquire knowledge on Spain and Latin Americas historical, political and linguistic realities.
5. Be able to relate the mother culture with the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries, and to develop a sense of open-mindeness and interest in cultural diversity.
6. Apply what is learned to the fields of Languages, Literature, Culture and Translation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Beatriz Moriano, Maria Nieves Lagunas Vila
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Minimum attendance: 70% of classes, except worker-students.
1. AA.VV (2018). Bitácora 4 (Nueva Edición). Libro del alumno. Barcelona: Difusión.
2. Matte Bon, F., (2005). Gramática comunicativa del español (tomos I y II). Madrid: Edelsa.
3. Diccionario on line de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua:
4. Vázquez Montalbán, M. (1998). Crónica sentimental de España. Barcelona: Grijalbo.
5. Rosa, I. (2015). La habitación oscura. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
Teaching method
Inductive and deductive, formal and communicative activities, based on one or more type of language feature (expression, comprehension, interaction and mediation), focussing on the students´ needs, and emphasising the integration of skills, intercultural reflection, autonomous learning and the use of ICT.
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Continuous Evaluation. Two tests done in class; oral presentations and written work. Evaluation will be based on communicative competence, accuracy and appropriacy, the use of learning strategies, knowledge about sociocultural aspects of the Hispanic world and an ability to think seriously about cultural matters.
Parts of the evaluation:
-Level and quality of class participation + other practices (20%)
-Reading test: précis and commentary based on a text (literary, journalistic as well as other styles) (20%)
-Term test: test of linguistic and cultural content (60%).
Subject matter
1. Ways of addressing people in written and oral expression/mediation/interaction.
2. Linguistic exponents which will allow the achievement of the following issues: exposing a subject, transmitting instructions, relating informations and expressing opinions using own ideas, as well as expressing attitudes, beliefs and feelings.
3. Revision and systematization of past tenses. Temporal markers.
4. Revision and systematization of future and conditional.
5. Specific uses of indirect speech.
6. Active and passive lexicon (coloquial, standard and cultivated) on different subjects.
7. Lexic on literary, journalistic, publicity, commercial and scientific texts.
8. Phraseology.
9. Orthographic rules.
10. Current events: the relations between the Hispanic world and the european community.
Programs where the course is taught: