French A2.2 - 1st and 2nd semester


1. Understanding, describing and reporting things that happened in the past, even if only with limited vocabulary.

2. Being able to give an order or a piece of advice.
3. Expressing an intention or short/long term goal.
4. Expressing different degrees of certainty as well as formulating possibilities.
5. Expressing agreement, disagreement, and preferences using simple sentence structures.
6. Describing people, objects or happenings using specific vocabulary.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Âzar Babasafari Renani, Cristina Clemente Monteiro


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



French A2.1


Chahi, Fatila & alii, Entre Nous 2, Éditions Maison des Langues, Paris, 2015.
Akiyüz, Anne & alii, Exercices de grammaire en contexte, niveau intermédiaire, Hachette, 2000.

Teaching method

Continuous Evaluation. Two tests done in class; one oral exam and written work. Evaluation will be based on communicative competence, accuracy and appropriacy, the use of learning strategies, knowledge about sociocultural aspects of the french world and an ability to think seriously about cultural matters.

Evaluation method

-Level and quality of class participation + other practices (30%)
-Oral term exam (20%)
- twoo term tests of linguistic and cultural content (50%).

Subject matter

1. Aquisition of basic gramar:
Form and basic uses of main past tenses, of imperative and present conditional used for narrating past experiences, expressing judgments and giving instructions. .
2. Position of personal pronouns. Nouns, adjectives, connectors and adverbs linked with past actions.
3. Language levels: formal, informal.
4. French phonetics and prosody.
5. Widen basic vocabulary and syntax for personal and social interactive situations.
6. Elementary phraseology in daily contexts.
7. Introduction to French civilisation using mass media and ICT: Internet resources, TV, Press.