Spanish Linguistics - 1st semester


(a) To learn to discover autonomously how a linguistic approach may contribute towards a better knowledge of a foreign language.
(b) To acquire basic concepts of linguistics that will enhance the knowledge developed in the Spanish Language course.
(c) To acquire explicit knowledge of the structures and grammatical rules of Spanish.
(d) To explore phonetic, phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical, semantic, pragmatic and discourse data, using the students’ own knowledge of the language as a point of departure.
(e) To develop awareness of the differences found, on the one hand, between Spanish and other languages, and, on the other hand, among different varieties of Spanish.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Maria Lavadinho Madeira


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese with teacher supervision in FL




ALVAR, M. (coord.) (1996) Manual de dialectología hispánica: el español de España / el español de América. Barcelona: Ariel.
BOSQUE, I. & V. DEMONTE (1999) Gramática Descriptiva de la Lengua Española. Madrid: Espasa.
HUALDE, J. I. (2014) Los sonidos del español. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
HUALDE, J. I., A. Olarrea, A. M. Escobar, C. E. Travis (2010) Introducción a la Lingüística Hispánica (2ª ed.). Cambridge University Press.
HUALDE, J. I., A. Olarrea & E. O´Rourke (orgs.) (2012) The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
MUÑOZ-BASOLS, J., N. Moreno, I. Taboada & M. Lacorte (2017) Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica. Routledge.
KING, L. D. & M. Suñer (2008) Gramática española: Análisis y práctica, 3ª ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
PINTO, D. & PABLOS-ORTEGA, P. de (2014) Seamos pragmáticos: Introducción a la pragmática española. Yale U. Press.

Teaching method

The sessions are both theoretical, with presentation of the various topics of the syllabus by the lecturer, and practical, with students being assigned exercises which involve the description and analysis of linguistic data, and problem solving.

Evaluation method

(a) Two in-class exercise sets (20%)
(b) Two written tests (60%)
(c) One group assignment (20%)

Subject matter

1. Introductory concepts: language, grammar and the modules of the grammar.
2. Norm and variation: dialectal varieties in Spain and Hispanic America.
3. Phonetic and phonological properties of Spanish: articulatory classification of sounds; phonological processes; syllable structure; prosodic properties.
4. Morphology: word structure; processes of word formation; verbal and nominal inflection; characteristics of some word (sub)classes.
5. The lexicon and sentence structure: syntactic constituents, categories and functions; the argument structure of predicates; some uses of ´se´; the use of indicative and subjunctive in subordinate clauses.
6. Description of some forms and constructions specific to Spanish.