Text Practices - 1st semester


The main goal of this curricular unit is to exercise the specificity of the reading tasks and text production, in an academic and scientific context, in order to effective performances.
In the end of the curricular unit it is intended that the students will be able to:
a) recognize the textual practices specificities depending on the type of activity in which they are insert;
b) use metacognitive resources which may facilitate the reading assignments and text production;
c) manipulate linguistic mechanisms responsible for the textual organization and for the marking of enunciative responsibilities;
d) distinguish the activities of paraphrase, summary and comment;
e) properly integrate the activities of paraphrase, summary and comment on different text genres;
f) dominate, in terms of recognition and production, regularities related to different genres of academic activity.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Antónia Coutinho, Matilde Gonçalves


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Alves, Marisa, 2005. Géneros escolares e construção do saber: o caso dos apontamentos. In Actas do 6º Encontro Nacional da Associação de Professores de Português. Publicação em CD-Rom.
Bazerman, Charles, 2013. A rhetoric of literate action (vol 1). Fort Collins: The WAC Clearinghouse.
Coutinho, Maria Antónia, 2011. Macroestruturas e microestruturas textuais. In Português, língua e ensino, ed. Duarte, I. & O. Figueiredo, 189 - 220. ISBN: 978-989-8265-72-2. Porto: Porto Editorial.
Coutinho, Maria Antónia, 2004. A ordem do expor em géneros académicos do português europeu contemporâneo. Calidoscópio 2 (2), 9-15.
Fonseca, Fernanda Irene (org.), 1994. Pedagogia da escrita. Perspectivas. Porto: Porto Editora.
Maingueneau, Dominique (2002). Analysis of an academic genre. Discourse Studies vol 4 (3), 319-342.

Teaching method

The course will combine theoretical and practical classes, including presentation, demonstration, practical exercises, group discussion and reflection on the topics studied. Classes will favour the practical implementation of theory, interaction and students’ active participation both individually and in a group.

Evaluation method

Evaluation: oral presentation (20%); reading report (25%); written test (40%); autonomous work (15%).

Subject matter

1. Relation between activities, texts and text genres. The specific case of academic and scientific activity: interlocutors’ socio-subjective status and communication finalities.
2. Reading strategies. The relation between reading strategy, production and text genre situation.
3. Identification and description of linguistic mechanisms responsible for the textual organization and marking enunciative responsibilities in different genres.
4. The activities of paraphrase, summary and commentary: intertextual and meta-textual relations; enunciative positions. Status of paraphrases, summaries and comments: texts and compositional elements of the texts.
5. Regularities of different genres, oral and written, characteristics of academic and scientific activity (reading records, summaries, reports, book reviews, short essays, oral presentations).


Programs where the course is taught: