Lexicology and Lexicography - 1st semester


Development of skills in the areas of Lexicology and Lexicography that allow students to comprehend the function and relevance of the Lexicon within the Grammar, understand the nature and complexity of lexical properties and know the existent theories and models for their
representation. Particularly, students should be able to:
a) understand the concepts of Lexicology and Lexicography and the relation established between them;
b) describe/modelize lexical units from Portuguese;
c) acquire and use methodologies for lexicographic edition and for building lexical resources.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Raquel Fonseca Amaro


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Amaro, R. & Mendes, S. (2013), Tecnologias de Informação Linguística para Tradução. Ed. revista e atualizada, 200 pp.( capítulo II).
Chaves, R. P. (2013), Organização do Léxico. In Raposo, E. et al. (orgs.) Gramática do Português. Lisboa: FCG, pp. 185-2014.
Fellbaum, C. (ed.)1998. WordNet: An Electronic LexicalDatabase. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
Hanks, P. 2003. Lexicography, in: Mitkov, R. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 48–69.
Peters, Wim, (s.d.), Lexical Resources, NLP group, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield. In http://phobos.cs.unibuc.ro/roric/lex_introduction.html
Verdelho, T. & J. P.Silvestre, (ed.), 2007. Dicionarística Portuguesa. Inventariação e estudo do património lexicográfico. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN 978-972-789-234-1

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical classes and tutorial guidance, with resource to case studies and practical application of the acquired knowledge, including: i) topic presentation and explanation by the teacher; ii) discussion and analytic analysis of relevant literature on the addressed topics; iii) description and modeling of lexical units in different lexicographic contexts.

Evaluation method

Continuous evaluation, including the following components: individual tests and individual and collective essays, presented in class.

Subject matter

1. Introduction: Lexicology and Lexicography
1.1 Definition of word and of lexical unit
1.2 Caracterization and definition of word classes
2. The Lexicon and the nature of lexical knowledge
2.1 Lexical unit and meaning
2.2 Ambiguity, meaning in context and use
2.3 Types of semantic change
2.4 Establishment and definition of meaning: vagueness, specificity level and necessary and suficient information
2.5 Lexicon organization: lexical and semantic relations
3. Contemporary Lexicography
3.1 Nomenclature, macro structure and micro structure
3.2 Organization and lexicographic structuring
3.3 Strategies and types of definitions
4. Lexical resources
4.1 Dictionaries typology
4.2 Computational lexical resources: wordnets


Programs where the course is taught: